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  1. Figit090

    tattoo question

    IJ - awesome BWB - ROFL JAV - shit man speak for yourself! (*j/k but seriously is he super tall or something?)
  2. Figit090

    2009 Corvette

    Well foreign cars are nice but you can't shun American engineering in many cases.... it would be dumb to say i'm all about Japanese cars since i own a supra and my dad drives a Mitsubishi. Heck - i thought our whole family owned Japanese cars until i read little markings on my mom's van that...
  3. Figit090

    tattoo question

    so how did that turn out anyway? and how did you get a gun to play with? lol...that's a first by me...tatooing 15
  4. Figit090

    Filing for a divorce

    Good job leaving behind a useless lump. she'll find another useless lump. Sounds like you and the kids will be much better off. Best of luck with everything
  5. Figit090

    This is all I want for my next gift!!!

    this is funnier...
  6. Figit090

    Best newb question ever

    yeah... i'm sure you've seen the youtube or other videos of people running water in the crankcase in place of oil...or that 22R that ran with a hole in the block... maybe try it with cooking oil rather than petroleum oil... did someone ACTUALLY truly get their hand sucked into a turbo...
  7. Figit090

    2009 Corvette

    I think i just saw a malibu convertible looked really nice!
  8. Figit090

    2009 Corvette

    THANK you. It's nice to hear it like that, rather than "bah this is crap this is better" of course that doesnt include the whole perspective or compare to other cars but at least it gives more opinions than just TG's. Sometimes I question the vadility of some of their (serious) statements, as...
  9. Figit090

    2009 Corvette

    well someone also said it rides fine... has anyone on here ACTUALLY driven one? Is Top Gear always spot on with their generalizations? I wouldn't doubt those flaws are true fact i think i remember that episode vaguely.. i'll watch it tomorrow and come back.
  10. Figit090

    Experiences with Ford diesel products?

    what's up with dodge? I heard once that they had some frames that would bend if you loaded them heavy...or maybe they even cracked? I've forgotton.
  11. Figit090

    Best newb question ever

    well yeah i know one is obviously going to be bigger but... is there a measurement or a thickness of something? or is it just obvious when you look at them and there really is no 'in between' that would make you wonder which? except for that oddball one of course...
  12. Figit090

    2009 Corvette

    Since we referenced Top Gear so much - It's funny you should say that! Top Gear's review stated that basically the WHOLE CAR was designed by other countries, not America. I'm sure it's on YouTube as thats where i watch TopGear. Other countries all pitched in and it was sold under and American...
  13. Figit090

    Tetris on Calculator

    it's definitely fake. the screen can only turn on and off the individual lines of the LCD for the numbers - it can't make blocks. that would require a high resolution like that on a ti-89 or even and 83. no 8 digit can ever do this unless you like stacking lines to form "8's" lol plus, even...
  14. Figit090

    Best newb question ever

    I don't even know the friggin difference between small and big block motors. well...obviously it has to do with size... but how do you denote what it is and how can you have one that doesn't fall into a category? if there's a simple answer that is...
  15. Figit090

    2008 Resolutions

    ok well i've never really done this but the thread is a little inspiration... -clean my room and KEEP that fucker clean. i actually have a reputation for always having to clean my damn room. -get a girlfriend, it's been a while. -get a job, i need $$ -sell my car and get a better one, think...
  16. Figit090

    Best newb question ever

    BAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!! does anyone know if it's a joke? he only posted 3 times and all his posts said "I'M A DIPSHIT" loud and clear... ninja edit - thread says 'everyone knows its a joke' a few i think it is. oh well... if it was real, at least he couldn't reproduce, he...
  17. Figit090

    Great way to kill time online when you're bored

    my friend just sent me a link. i think playing an instrument or something would be a better way to spend my time... then again i could get some new drumheads or guitar stuff if i win enough...maybe.... :)
  18. Figit090

    lets play a new game!

    so THAT is how some heads get eaten!? so does this mean that using green coolant isn't the problem? Someone told me to use red coolant over the corrosion problem. Does green coolant promote electrolysis over red?
  19. Figit090

    hot startup missfire?!

    I had it, it went away after various things i did with the engine. I couldn't tell you what exactly as I replaced lots of gaskets and the plugs and wires with my BHG job. Did you check your engine codes? I would do that and then if there are no codes check the distributor cap, get a new one...
  20. Figit090

    MK2 vs. MK3

    i'm wondering too...what's wrong with that car? rust/rot where we can't see it? I'm figuring salt got to the bottom of the car and the fenders...