Search results

  1. nick88

    What to buy, need input!!!

    1jz would be cheapest swap, but 7mgte would be the cheapest to build and make power out of.
  2. nick88

    The *unofficial* Ricer thread

    What about chickens?
  3. nick88

    Rock, Paper, Scissors v1.0

  4. nick88

    7MGTE-5SPD--->2JZGTE-6SPD...Who can?

    Isn't the gearbox of the 6spd about a foot longer than the r154?
  5. nick88

    na to jdm turbo swap ecu issue

    The three plugs are for the auto trans. Search and find out how to bypass the nuetral safety start switch. Then the ecu is probably a auto ecu. I don't know about the other plug.
  6. nick88

    7m rebuild help

  7. nick88

    Marlin Crawler R-154 rebuild kit

    I thought that you where supposed to send your teans into Marlin Crawler and they rebuild it for you with the kit.
  8. nick88

    Clutch Issue *Pics*

    You could take the c-clip off of the throwout arm and the trans slides off with the pressure plate still on the flywheel. To take the pressure plate off of the flywheel to pry the clutch, there are six bolts and it comes off. Pry the clutch off make sure it is still useable and bolt pressure...
  9. nick88

    please help stuck

    No, I just replaced the hose that came from the side of the fan to the cooler, because it had been chopped in half by my fan when I blew an ic pipe off pushing it into the fan. Make sure that you will not blow off ic pipes when using it. All of it works, I am using the cooler. Put...
  10. nick88

    Desperate need of advice

    Was she the one who sold you the car? Does she know who sold you the car? If the answer is no to these questions then take any of value out of the car, engine, trans, etc. then give back and say you bought it that way.
  11. nick88

    torque convertor mis-install : what broke?

    I'm sure there are lots of auto trannies laying around this forum. Just post a wanted thread in the for sale forum. Inspect the crankshaft and flywheel before putting a new one on.
  12. nick88

    thinking of picking up an FC with 1jzgte

    Your link does't work. Copy and paste those pics over here. Have you been to the track in your 1j rx7? 1/4 times?
  13. nick88

    Nasty bug and code 47

    Did you replace the o-rings like you mentioned earlier. Try using the stock injectors if you have them. Try leaning it out at idle till it is around 11.7 afr's. Then do a street tune, without going over 95% duty on the injectors. So no boosting and if that works, look at your injectors.
  14. nick88

    please help stuck

    Replace the lines. One of mine broke and I just used 3/8 inch heater hose.
  15. nick88

    Nasty bug and code 47

    Check the capacitors in your ecu. Mine ecu is at Driftmotion right now for repair. Here is the link for the repair service from Driftmotion.
  16. nick88

    ID this hose please

    Or ISC valve coolant line.
  17. nick88

    bov question

    Last time I checked there is a reason for everything that happens in this world. Just not "they ARE" and some "ARE NOT".
  18. nick88

    thinking of picking up an FC with 1jzgte

    Yes. Buy it now. That would be a wiring nightmare to do yourself.
  19. nick88

    Project Super Celica

    How can you put a rear wheel drive engine and trans in a front wheel drive car?
  20. nick88

    bov question

    12psi>10psi. More volume, different turbos flow different, bov could be adjusted differently, are why they sound louder on different setups. Different turbos flow more/less air and density. Unless you have the exact same setup as someone else your blow off valve will sound differnt. There are...