34528 16th Ave S Federal Way, WA 98003 (Off exit 142B I-5)
Sunday July 21, 2013 1:30pm
No car restriction.
Meeting Up at Del taco this time. Then at 4:00pm we are going to roll over to Reaper89's place and have a potluck and go swimming. So bring a dish or something and lets have a...
So rather then Post up a bunch of pictures I think this time I'll just give a Link to the album. way to lazy to go through it all and select the good ones to post. http://s56.photobucket.com/user/Villy_photos/slideshow/Supra
lol it was yesterday. This-->http://www.supramania.com/forums/showthread.php?180982-Del-Taco-amp-Cruise
should be a link to a slideshow of all the pictures.
Yeah I won't get off until 10pm! :( I will however give you guys permission to come by my work in Renton and use our parking lot for a meet 7:30pm - 7:30am If you want to do that. Parking lot won't be to busy.
34528 16th Ave S Federal Way, WA 98003 (Off exit 142B I-5)
Sunday July 14, 2013 3:00pm
No car restriction.
Had a good amount of people show up for the last one. Had a couple people walk by and join us. Forced some guy that was just getting food with a first gen MR2 to stay a bit longer. Guy...
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