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  1. Figit090

    The fast and the furious

    thanks. I never had any anticipation that it would be - but i was still curious.
  2. Figit090

    Can anyone help our family please?

    ^ lol.... I'll take it that's your attempt to live up to the title under your username? ;) j/k st2b - Man that sucks you're having such a hard time. I would look into the webcam thing and just make sure you have a program set up to record. I dont have any experiance with this really but...
  3. Figit090

    The fast and the furious

    is the 3rd movie any good? (serious question not rhetoric)
  4. Figit090

    Nomad is back in the supra world!! check it!!

    500!? NICE! great start! I think you are making a good choice by going black ;) just make sure its not this month there have been a few black supra incidents lately...haha.
  5. Figit090

    friends with supras

    the supra heart is incredibly cool! and to know so many people with mkIV's...sheesh!
  6. Figit090

    Tire Shredder's MK2 7MGE budget NA screamer build thread

    subscribed ;) great job i like your progress! keep it up! your car is beautiful BTW...i LOVE black mkII's to death!
  7. Figit090

    St2b's 7M-GE-T Buildup

    nice car! how are you polishing those parts? i've never done it before but the manifold looks SOO much nicer that way!
  8. Figit090

    Son of a b!#@# - hit and run

    man that blows, i'm sorry your car is hurt but glad you're ok. I'm going to drive extra careful these next few weeks when i go out... (black
  9. Figit090

    How do you guys react when you see a fellow MK3 owner?

    I have been approached by fellow mkIII owners. well, at least one. He wasn't even with his supra. That was neat. and another mkI supra owner emailed me in response to a want add for a supra, and since its the most beautiful and one of the few i know of in my county i quickly figured out the...
  10. Figit090

    Should I save a ’92?

    soo it's got engine problems? sooo say you need a new engine figure a couple thousand dollars if you do it yourself, and then maybe another 500-1000 (that is a pure guess) for a full interior if you find one? meh...i dunno. i hope for your sake when you get pics the paint is bad. that way...
  11. Figit090

    rx7 vid.

    damn (that engine sounds awesome too)
  12. Figit090

    Should I save a ’92?

    I would say save it, if the price is right. How much is he asking, and why is he parting it out?
  13. Figit090

    Should I save a ’92?

    thanks for the visual noah! great graph I've never seen Bishop's site. I never realized really how rare a 92 was! wow...
  14. Figit090

    Should I save a ’92?

    how does that compare to other years though. my perspective on this is not that great... ;)
  15. Figit090

    trailblazer ss

    like this?: damn... 13.9 stock? thats...really cool!! I've always admired chevy's colorado extreme - there's a yellow one at my college. Looks really mean and I figured it would be fast. never remembered to check on the numbers though... but i'm learning now that i think the engine is...
  16. Figit090

    Should I save a ’92?

    OK, where are the numbers for how many were made I never realized it was so incredibly rare??
  17. Figit090

    friends with supras

    how many soapras do you know/see at meets? i saw two. unless one is a straight up chaser i cant see the back. and that kia rio in one of your pics, looks like butt in line with all those supras by it
  18. Figit090

    Mystery coolant leak **PICS** (formerly Hole Corroded in Head)

    at least wire brush it ;) that water looks fresh did you run it?
  19. Figit090

    The "Weird Things You've Found In Your Car That Aren't Yours" thread...

    or a US secret agent who kills with dental tools....
  20. Figit090

    Mystery coolant leak **PICS** (formerly Hole Corroded in Head)

    aahahahah...whoops:cry: well at least i know now that my posts are in fact being read. awww man you messed with the title! now its not nearly as funny...:nono: