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  1. OneJArpus

    My first 2 races in my new setup

    ok kills, but serious, atleast take it on the highway.... do a quick 30 to 100 roll then stop dont try to break a land speed record... and if you are EVER going to do street runs no matter anyones opinion, i hope you are doing it for 1,000 + in cash... because its gonna cost that + more for...
  2. OneJArpus

    1st Time Home Buy - Any Real Estate Agents around (Tips/Etc)

    Thank you guys keep the info coming, i'll post a better response when i get back from work
  3. OneJArpus

    Not supra Specific - But for my MKIII Brothers & Sisters (I work @ a junk yard)

    We do NOT have any MKIII's in the yard. BUT We do have a GS300 w/2JZGE in it (VVTi) If you have a daily and need parts from it put a message in the thread and i'll look up and see what i can do for you guys/gals. If this is not acceptable delete and i'm sorry.
  4. OneJArpus

    Just installed Diftmotion Intercooler Kit for 7mgte

    Check for boost leaks If the car was running perfect, you install something, now its sluggish, start with what YOU touched because something YOU did is effecting the car that was running fine before YOU touched it..... Check all connections, make sure they are ALLLLL tight but have a good...
  5. OneJArpus

    need help - clutch pedal has no pressure (pics pg 2)

    No wonder theres no pressure.... ^Do that get back to us interested to see wth went wrong.... i've actually heard of people putting the hub on backwards or with out lub and it wears the shit out of them n then they break
  6. OneJArpus

    Check your PM's plz

    Check your PM's plz
  7. OneJArpus

    1st Time Home Buy - Any Real Estate Agents around (Tips/Etc)

    I'm looking to purchase i home soon and would like to know some tips a real estate agent or experience home owner could pass on. Thank you
  8. OneJArpus

    PSN's little 'oops'...

  9. OneJArpus

    BCC? any other way?

    look around the F/S thead i just purchased a BCC for 50 bux about 2 weeks ago. Installed it and no probs... yet... =O
  10. OneJArpus

    Which way is better in a race

    i'd do it on an equally matched car & driver for big $$... reg race no way... its not that important i win
  11. OneJArpus

    Leaky Steering Rack Fix?

    If its PPS i've been quoted 250-300 to rebuild the OEM one. If its non PPS i got mine for 140 @ a parts store my shop use to deal with. They usually run 180-240 IIRC
  12. OneJArpus

    the six rear subframe bushings

    What's Ronnie's info and pricing?
  13. OneJArpus

    Anyone tried these D2 coilovers?

    ^I'm with him, i had KSports and brand new from KSport i had issues with valving SUCKING so bad it would make my front end feel "floaty" Got rid of em to pay for a used set of TEIN SS's which feel 100x better. These are just entry level coilovers w/pillow mounts... ---------- Post added at...
  14. OneJArpus

    How many miles does your car have?

    just went over 80,xxx miles on my chassis
  15. OneJArpus

    the six rear subframe bushings

    says he'll have a complete red set unless its been sold already
  16. OneJArpus

    the six rear subframe bushings

    i searched for .02 seconds and found this .... and all i typed was "subframe bushing" lazy ass
  17. OneJArpus

    Looking for a good all-in-one laser printer...

    pay me 200 n i'll find u one for 300....
  18. OneJArpus

    Supra vs Ford GT on Forum Wars

    Its because he has money, that he was finally able to grow out the mullet he always wanted LOL
  19. OneJArpus

    Pre 89' Supra is MUCH better looking than the 89+ models

    I'm just busting chops, the pre89 look, does look good, but in my opinion the 89+ looks way better but everyone's got different opinions about things :D
  20. OneJArpus

    Pre 89' Supra is MUCH better looking than the 89+ models

    edit:failed damn picture disappeared.