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  1. OneJArpus

    Pre 89' Supra is MUCH better looking than the 89+ models

    There are more aftermarket "lips" for the 89+ because, the aftermarket companies who made expensive lips for the certain bumper type said, our lip would look good on that front end. Lets spend some money to manufacture and mass produce this item then sell it to the general public so they can...
  2. OneJArpus

    Pre 89' Supra is MUCH better looking than the 89+ models

    /end thread... toyota saw how fugly it was and changed it. 89+ All the way.
  3. OneJArpus

    Pre 89' Supra is MUCH better looking than the 89+ models

    pre 88 looks good but IMO 89+ all the way
  4. OneJArpus

    John's 87 N/A where did my money go!? Build(ish)

    ^Holy crap! Never going to ND lol that much snow in april crazy!
  5. OneJArpus

    88 Blue Turbo restoration/upgrade story

    looking great man +1 on your work. Makes me wanna take parts off my car to redo them lol
  6. OneJArpus

    Build Sheet, or a KanBan

    meh its a build thread for a 7MGE no care, JK :D That is one cool document to have especially if its for YOUR car from way back lol
  7. OneJArpus

    Speedo Cable - Now Im Confused - HELP!

    Get one for a 5sp, and make sure its for a R154 or W58 which ever trans you have.
  8. OneJArpus

    88 OEm Cooling Fan relay size???

    86.5-88'S CAME WITH 1 clutch fan and 1 aux fan on rad. 89-92 came with 1 clutch & 2 aux on rad Some models have a 3rd aux fan right by the condensor/ic.
  9. OneJArpus

    Philly Supra Meet 2011!! Saturday, June 4th

    Yes sir! I'm going if it doesn't get cancelled! Supra is out and about for all meets i can make it too :D
  10. OneJArpus

    Supra Club April 23 at Etown

    Wish i could make it :(