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  1. supra1008

    1JZ Headgaskets

    I finished the head gasket last monday. Drove it down to dc this past weekend. It was great. It runs a lot cooler, It doesn't dump as much fuel at full throttle and the gas mileage is a even better now.
  2. supra1008

    My '90 Supra

  3. supra1008

    June 14 or 20th Meet Chime in All

    yes im bringing the supra. im Actually driving down now. Staying in dc for the night. I'm sitting at a rest stop waiting for the rain to slow down. Its pouring! Wtf i thought it was supposed to be gorgeous out this weekend! Is this meet still on?
  4. supra1008

    June 14 or 20th Meet Chime in All

    lol i'll be there.
  5. supra1008

    smoking badly!

    The car is a lot better now but it still burns oil and smokes. Now it doesn't burn as much oil and smoke as much as it use to. The turbo i think is fine. There is a lot of crank case pressure. There is smoke coming out of the dipstick pipe when you take the dipstick out. Compression test...
  6. supra1008

    My '90 Supra

    Here are some pics finishing up the this stage of the project. I finally cleaned all that dirt and oil off the turbo. almost looks brand new. I also polished the water neck. I just realized looking at these pics that the passenger side of the engine bay is all shiny and clean but the driver...
  7. supra1008

    My '90 Supra

    I finally put the car back together. I had the valve covers powder coated.(Powder coating done by Empera) Thanks buddy!! I also painted the galley cover and timing belt cover. I took it for a spin. Feels good to be driving it again. Is there a break in period for a new head gasket? Pics to come...
  8. supra1008

    My '90 Supra

    Wow your car is so sexy dave!! Why can't forget about all those other projects and just finish that beast.
  9. supra1008

    My '90 Supra

    Does anyone know what this is? What it does? On my car its mounted on the bottom of the intake manifold.
  10. supra1008

    Anyone know what these are for?

    I realized what they are for. Its for the front abs speed sensors. Thanks guys.
  11. supra1008

    My '90 Supra

    Oh I forgot about these. I just put in a new set of Russell SS Brake Lines along with a new brake master cylinder.
  12. supra1008

    My '90 Supra

    Some new parts came in today. Hopefully when it finally stops raining, I can put the car back together.
  13. supra1008

    1jz help!

    take your ecu apart. sounds like your caps are blown. Thats what mine use to do. Replaced the caps in the ecu and went back to just burning oil :biglaugh:
  14. supra1008

    OMG Im going to kill!!!! How do i remove twins???

    YEA. no idea how much pb blaster can help!! breaker bar and cheater bars definately do the tricks! Definately friends and beer too!! Makes the job go a lot quicker and easier!!
  15. supra1008

    My '90 Supra

    some more pics.... more updates soon. I'm going to send the head out to get machined tomorrow. The headgasket and ARP's should be here on tuesday. If all goes well, maybe I'll have it up and running soon! *fingers crossed* Later, Chris.
  16. supra1008

    My '90 Supra

    Friday evening I started taking apart the engine. Got the intake, rad, valve covers and the down pipe off. I was working in the rain after picking up my sister from school. The engine was all hot. The rain felt good. lol. Saturday morning I got up and took off the turbo and exhaust manifold...
  17. supra1008

    My '90 Supra

    Wow I haven't posted in this thread in awhile!!! I've been so busy with moving from Philly to DC and back to Philly. So lately my car has been overheating. Has a brand new water pump, thermostat, and radiator. It leaks coolant from between the head and the block on the exhaust side. Its always...
  18. supra1008

    smoking badly!

    His current mods: GT2860rs, wiseco forged pistons 9:1, supertech dual valve springs titanium retainers and 1mm oversized valves, cometic head gasket .036, NGK colder stage iridium plugs, '96 Toyota supra TT PCV valve, ARP head studs rod and main bolts, pauter rods, vibrant catback, unichip, fmic...
  19. supra1008

    1JZ Headgaskets

    It's cool. This was going to be my next question. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but, you don't have to buy a thicker headgasket. You can still go with stock head gasket, it'll just raise your compression a little. If you wanna keep stock compression you would have to get a thicker head...
  20. supra1008

    1JZ Headgaskets

    Got pics of that 28 set up?