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  1. Figit090

    Gran Turismo 4 Challenge

    yeah, definitely manual ;) I tried auto on the drag and that was a total buzzkill. and i won't use auto on the courses because i have to be able to hold boost. i haven't raced auto in a long time and i didn't want to bother trying it because i'm almost certain my laptimes will suffer...
  2. Figit090

    101MM Stroke 7MGE

    very nice rims. :) However...with that guy's ride height they make me giggle :)
  3. Figit090

    Gran Turismo 4 Challenge

    go balls-to-the wall over the zero-gravity hill. :) dont jump it, but go as fast as possible and crank the downforce. do you use super soft tires? gosh i hope so or i'm in for a run for my money. R1 is the sucker-boost. Jeff - holy poop! i didnt even want to consider doing the long-long...
  4. Figit090

    Gran Turismo 4 Challenge

    lol.... why not just start out in super soft? you like more of a challenge? :p
  5. Figit090

    fuel or something

    well couldn't his problem be really simple? I mean he didn't describe what the car does when he tries to start it... a "problem starting [his] car" could be anything from the alarm system killing it, to a bad fuse, to a broken wire.... shouldn't we get a more through description first?
  6. Figit090

    FM Attenna amplifier!

    yeah i have a booster but i just realized it's not even powered right now so no effect and i get perfect reception of the nice stations. in fact it amp's the hiss so i might ditch it all together. :p i always thought that section my defroster setup was broken, but its an antenna, hah! and i...
  7. Figit090

    Chroming parts?

    HOLY CRAP. i bet that's a seriously hard car to see in the fog:aigo:
  8. Figit090

    Chrome wheels

    ok....what about oven cleaner? In the R/C world it's what people have used to remove chrome from plastic rims...and i think it would probably work on any chrome. Just as long as it won't damage the rim underneath and i would do this with the tire off the rim so you dont risk damaging the...
  9. Figit090

    Anyone running 275s up front?

    are TT rims 275's? could you put TT rears all the way around? :p MAN that's a HUGE tire for the front. it almost looks...wrong. what kinds of cars run tires that big up front. vipers and vettes?
  10. Figit090

    FM Attenna amplifier!

    I have a booster. i might unplug the antenna on the way to school and see how the reception is. (my dash is out and i have no radio brackets...stereo slides out :P ) but like posted before it probably won't work. my antenna is noisy as all get out as well! any tips to lube it up properly...
  11. Figit090

    Lights dim when i hit the brakes.

    did you even pull the fuses inside the car in the kick panel? just thought with all those fuses so close to the battery you might have forgotten the rest... I have this slight dimming when i change the voltage needed from the electronics, but yes it's usually coming home at night when i apply...
  12. Figit090

    Milo's Booster Seat...

    looks like he used that to properly cure the wax in that position without warping or anything. nice work! :) what metal will you use? aluminum? My dad is a sculptor I bet if i needed to do this i could! well...not easily or nicely but with practice, maybe!
  13. Figit090

    Oil change

    i run about a quart over.
  14. Figit090

    101MM Stroke 7MGE

    thats what goes in the deck plate though? i mean, those aren't cylinder walls because there is no water jacket, soo...uh. thats weird. maybe a set of sleeves that goes down in the welded-on deckplate? more views would help but i dont want to get too off-topic.
  15. Figit090

    ROFL 56k ownage

    i forgot there was such a thing as dial-up... it's like payphones. when you are forced to use're like... WTF is this shit? They're both obsolete, but still expensive for their relative crappyness, and overall getting more and more difficult to find.. i had to use a payphone last...
  16. Figit090

    DreamerTheresa Presents: Child-Rearing Tips (56k take a hike)

    LOL. that fam guy clip was FTW! roflmao
  17. Figit090

    DreamerTheresa Presents: Child-Rearing Tips (56k take a hike)

    haha...i saw this earlier and came back, still makes me laugh. i like 'cleaning the baby's nose'...haha.. big 'ol finger crammed in there...
  18. Figit090

    I am sofa king bored.

    ^ HAHAHAH!! Top Gear episodes usually cheer me up and keep me entertained. cars and good humor in the same show. can't beat that :)
  19. Figit090

    Lol go to SF OT right now

    ^nice that seems like an immaturity riot to me...
  20. Figit090


    happy birthday! it's the 25th on the west coast so my not-checking the off topic for a few days was remedied just in time! ;)