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  1. rakkasan

    Blow thru MAFT

    For those of you that have mounted your MAFT blow thru, where did you place it & what size did you use?
  2. rakkasan

    Can 'thin' oil cause a valve to tick?

    Had my head rebuilt 3k miles ago while reparing a BHG. Now I have a ticking valve. I wasn't there after rebuilding the head, it just started the last few hundred miles. Also, it doesn't tick when the motor is cold, only after the motor is hot. Is 10W30 oil too thin? Note: switching to...
  3. rakkasan

    What kind of power can a W58 handle?

    I haven't been able to locate a R154 locally, so I'm thinking about using a W58 since I'm probably going to stop at 350hp. Any input?
  4. rakkasan

    Shipping help needed

    I'm selling a motor and I need to ship it, what's the best way to do so?
  5. rakkasan

    Paging GarretRowe....

    If I still miss shifts after disconecting the Tranny computer, then more than like it's caused by shift selnoids, correct? Could it just be the selnoid o-rings?
  6. rakkasan

    Checking the valve shims.....

    I need to know how to check if my valves are shimmed correctly. All I found in the TSRM is this Can anyone help?
  7. rakkasan

    too much valve noise

    I have about 2k miles on my car after a BHG. I had the head reworked (surfaced, new seals, 3 angle valve job, ect) before reassembly & everything was great afterwards. Now I'm starting to get a lot of valve noise. A loud tick to be precise. What took so long for the noise to start & how do I...
  8. rakkasan

    MVP is no longer going to carry Bomex, at least

    'temporarily', so who else has a decent price for Bomex?
  9. rakkasan

    strange power steering problem...

    This has happened to me twice doesn't make any sense. I've taken my car to the redline twice, and afterwards my PS feels like the belt broke, leaving the steering unassisted. After about ten minutes of driving it come back around to normal. The first time I thought the fluid...
  10. rakkasan

    VICTORY!! No more codes!

    getting rid of my error codes has been the best BPU yet. :biggrinbo I'm lovin life. Now I need to fine tune my timing & see what kind of difference having a good running car makes.
  11. rakkasan

    Mr Rowe, auto tranny question

    I've been having trouble with my tranny not wanting to shift into 3rd gear. It's not a constant, it occurs every now & then. I had it rebuilt thinking that I had burned up the clutches (only the banner set was replaced, not the shift selnoids, sensors, ect). This didn't fix the problem...
  12. rakkasan

    Will a 28"x12"x3" intercooler fit

    without much mods to the bumper supports? I'm looking at the Meagan 28"x12", but if it involves a lot of cutting I'd rather get the 22"x12". Is it a big pain in the ass to mount?
  13. rakkasan

    knock sensors...

    are the N/A & turbo KS's the same? I know that the N/A uses only one while the turbo uses two, but are they interchangable?
  14. rakkasan

    who has changed the color of your interior?

    I think it was IdealSupra, correct? Since the info from the old board was lost, quick run down of quality, time & cost please.
  15. rakkasan

    My error code 51 is driving me nuts

    I've changed my TPS, so I'm almost certain that it isn't causing the error code. I'm starting to think that it's being caused by a faulty A/C switch. Isn't the motor supposed to surge a little when the A/C turned on? Also, isn't the A/C switch on the thermostat housing? I've got to...