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  1. Villy253

    Seattle supra owners?

    The week I went down to you rich actually showed up lol Sent from Bird's dumb phone.
  2. Villy253

    Supras In Las Vegas (SILV)

    I know I'm a nice person! ;p Sent from Bird's dumb phone.
  3. Villy253

    Seattle supra owners?

    We actually have a few mk2s amoung us.
  4. Villy253

    Supras In Las Vegas (SILV)

    Multiple supras! I love you! I want to marry you for your cars.
  5. Villy253

    Guv'na's Tavern

    He remembers! Happy Bday faye! second person I know what the best manual ever!
  6. Villy253

    Guv'na's Tavern

    Ok for now on when we are drunk just start texting bird. Sent from Bird's dumb phone.
  7. Villy253

    Guv'na's Tavern

    Did somebody say free parts? :)!!!!!!! Sent from Bird's dumb phone.
  8. Villy253

    Del Taco

    We are actually going to start doing Saturday... Football season. Sent from Bird's dumb phone.
  9. Villy253

    Guv'na's Tavern

    I vote bird as the region drunk. Sent from Bird's dumb phone.
  10. Villy253

    Guv'na's Tavern

    This. Did you get Bird drunk again? Sent from Bird's dumb phone.
  11. Villy253

    Guv'na's Tavern

    My bad it hurts. But it is kind of fun. Sent from Bird's dumb phone.
  12. Villy253

    SoWA Supras and Red Door Meet

    AWWW SHUCKS goodluck I knew we would be an inspiration for you guys! :p You have NO idea how many meets was just me and Adam. Just keep at it lol.:evil2:
  13. Villy253

    Supra Friends T-shirt ideas

    I think we are planning that as well Sent from Bird's dumb phone.
  14. Villy253

    Supra Friends T-shirt ideas

    I think we need an almost finished look before we cast the final stone. I think the sharp solid lines might end up looking a little cleaner.
  15. Villy253

    Del Taco

    9/22/2013 4pm Del taco 34528 16th Ave S, Federal Way, Washington nuff said see you all there.
  16. Villy253

    Guv'na's Tavern

    I see how it is! RACIST! that's what you are.