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  1. supra1008

    My '90 Supra

    So anxious! You should've seen me when the UPS guy knocked on my door! lol! I got to the door so fast I scared the delivery guy!!! lol!
  2. supra1008

    Supramania's Elite Engine bay Thread...ZERO progress pics.

    not done yet of course but whatever.
  3. supra1008

    My '90 Supra

  4. supra1008

    My '90 Supra

    I had to clock the turbo so it would clear my ac lines. I'm going to have to cut the intake pipe so my new K&N filter will fit on. I was just test fitting everything before i bolted everything on. When I took off the vband clamp the bolt just snapped. I have no idea how. It wasn't cross threaded...
  5. supra1008

    My '90 Supra

    Everything else came in today. Everything looks good. I put the exh manifold, wastegate, dump pipe, turbo and oil lines on. I started it for a bit sounds so nice. Couldn't leave it running. I have an oil leak from the oil cooler and thermostat. plus the downpipe isn't on and the fan controller...
  6. supra1008

    My '90 Supra

    My birthday is around the corner. you can get me one.;)
  7. supra1008

    My '90 Supra

    some more pics. the fan controller sensor and the oil filter relocation.
  8. supra1008

    My '90 Supra

    Alright Turbo is in! 60-1 .70 a/r polished intake and ceramic coated exhaust. SO SHINNY!!!!:love: The rest of the parts should be in tomorrow. I seriously felt like a little kid on christmas opening up a present. hehe
  9. supra1008

    New: BIC Supra dyno and drag times. 1JZ FTW!!

    hehehe smoking daddy's lil lambo... hehehe that WOULD be awesome!! I can't wait to get mine back up. All the parts should be in tomorrow. Hopefully have it up this weekend.
  10. supra1008

    Philly Area Supra Meet Part 2 10/04/09

    Oh in that case lets have it on the weekend of the 23 of august.:sarcasm:
  11. supra1008

    need vector file for SM logo

    Ask empera. I believe he might have some to sell or he can get you some.
  12. supra1008

    My '90 Supra

    Yay! Turbo kit should be here on Wednesday!!!!!
  13. supra1008

    Hot RC car!

    IDK but i want one now!! lol!
  14. supra1008

    Philly Area Supra Meet Part 2 10/04/09

    Hell yea!! I'm down with that!!! So do we have a location?
  15. supra1008

    spark plug, need part# for colder plug

    I know you can also use the ngk3330's which is also a colder plug. There is a thread on here about it. I also know of a bosch that you can use. I was talking to Sean Casidy at english town. He gave me the box for one of his spark plugs. It's somewhere in my car. I have to clean my car out. lol...
  16. supra1008

    Nice N/A???

    ^what he said. ALTHOUGH.... if you can haggle him down a bit, it would be an awesome shell for some kind of swap.
  17. supra1008

    Milo's Booster Seat...

    Wow we're on page 336!