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  1. JDMMA70

    1G Head 1JZ Block?

    Can this be done, im reading one of those hyper rev mags and maybe i translated incorrect as my japanese isnt as good as it used to be, but theres a black GA70 that i believe it says 1G head a 1JZ block. Can this be done?
  2. JDMMA70

    colour code 21C? Any other Supras here with this color?

    Im still searching for the number of how many Supras in 1988 came with this colour. Ive looked all over and cant seem to find another Supra with my colour? Is it rare or something? Im just trying to find a picture of one with paint that is still mint to compare to see what the lower half of my...
  3. JDMMA70

    Bored? Post your lighter Thread

    This might get locked but hey why not. Post your lighter. Im sure all of you have a lighter somewhere in your house im sure some of you may even collect them. Plus im the car on a long trip figure this may kill some time. Guess ill go first. My only lighter
  4. JDMMA70

    Lets Give it a Try: What are you listening to right now.

    Thrillseekers - Dreaming of You (Original Mix) Sonique - It Feels So Good
  5. JDMMA70

    Big Bills Hells Cars FUnny Stuff

    This may be a very old repost but it still seems fresh everytime i watch it.
  6. JDMMA70

    At last my Introduction

    Hi All, Ive been posting all over this site but ive yet to introduce myself so here goes. I have a 1988 Supra Turbo Auto (:1zhelp: ) im in Houston 105K Miles Two Tone Blue (I believe this colour was only offered in '88) Blue Interior All stock although when the car was purchased it...
  7. JDMMA70

    Engine Rebuild Help

    Ive deciding against doing a JDM 7M swap and just rebuilding my current 7M-GTE in my '88 Turbo Auto. Although i have a few question and i have searched. I want to use JE Pistons with Eagle Rods. The engine will stay in mostly stock form it will be bpu im looking in the area of...
  8. JDMMA70


    Hi, Im planning to swap out my current 7MGTE out of my '88 Supra Turbo w/ a JDM 7MGTE. I have some questions though will my ECU work with the JDM Engine harness. What will have to be changed. I searched but did not manage to dig any info up on this subject. Pretty much my question is...
  9. JDMMA70

    Is it BHG or Coolant Leak *Video* Im not overheating, no oil in coolant or vice versa It is burning coolant on the exhaust side of the engine as shown in the video.
  10. JDMMA70

    Car Idles High without A/C

    I recently started my turbo supra (AT) and for the first time it didn't drop to normal idle after it warmed up. Before my Temp guage was going off the chart so I took the advice from members here to replace the rad. Cap, thermostat, temp sensor, temp switch, etc. Now the car idles around...
  11. JDMMA70

    Places in Houston TX that can do a quality rebuild of a 7mgte

    In case my HG is blown im considering a full rebuild and want to know if any of the member from Houston know of a good place to get a 7MGTE rebuilt (Toyota charges waaaay to much) with a MHG and ARP bolt or studs. I just need it to stock specs. Thanks ~JDMMA70
  12. JDMMA70

    Engine Overheats after driving, and speedo stopped. What could be the Problem???

    Me and my dad recently replaced all the coolant hoses before we started the car again. previous owner said that he had blown the headgasket once during that time he had the whole motor rebuilt after about a year the car was garaged and he was moving to Europe, and we purchased it from him...
  13. JDMMA70

    Good Places in Houston to have car repainted

    Im currently looking for a trusted and a place with a good reputation to have my Supra repainted. It will be a the same stock colour it has now (Two Tone Blue 24C) So im hoping to find some guys or girls from Houston who can point me in the right direction and maybe even give me a estimate on...
  14. JDMMA70

    Fog Lights Switch

    I want to check to make sure, but do the foglights only turn on when the headlights are up and the car is running. Or can I have the car off and turn on the headlights and the foglights. Because I didn't start the car but I turned on the headlights but the foglights wouldn't come on. And...
  15. JDMMA70

    Speedometer Wobbles

    My Speedometer wobbles when it goes from 0-20 but it seems to lag and sorta jiggles its way up to 20mph and so forth. Im guessing its the cable. However ive heard its a b**** to change so any tips or pointers? Will the dealership do it? Since I live in an apartment
  16. JDMMA70

    Can this paint be restored?

    Mine has the original '88 two tone however the the top of the targa top and front nose panel piece is fading/oxidizing. I also think my front are rear bumper are faded as well. I took some pics. Here you can see the rear bumper and the side of the door. Was it originally like this...
  17. JDMMA70

    GReddy BOV Where to route the vacuum hoses?

    My car came with a GReddy BOV it has 2 nipples on the top but nothing was connected. I was wondering if someone had a diagram or a picture to show where i need to hook the hoses up to, and what size hoses. Thanks ~JDMMA70
  18. JDMMA70

    Can someone tell what this part is? It was hanging off the throttle body thanks!
  19. JDMMA70

    Crazy Taxi Japanese Prank
  20. JDMMA70

    Poor Supra/Boat Hope its not a repost but that poor mk3 was mutilated