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  1. SupraMario

    Stock Temp Gauge Jumping Around after 3k RPMs

    Nib thing? The top hole is at the top, made sure of that. As for damage, the gasket around it was basically stuck to the ring, the tstat seemed harder than normal to push in, but it could just be my imagination. Didn't have time to check to see if it opened. I just hope this is the fix as when I...
  2. SupraMario

    Stock Temp Gauge Jumping Around after 3k RPMs

    Well, tore off the water neck today to make sure it wasn't clogged. Also replaced the t-stat...putting on the water neck again I pinched the O ring on the water bypass I gotta order them...FUUUUUUUUUU At least I got new tires for the BMW, and getting it ready to be my DD, just need...
  3. SupraMario

    Stock Temp Gauge Jumping Around after 3k RPMs

    Well that didn't help at all...fuck me. It almost hit the red driving today, I think the tstat is stuck closed...
  4. SupraMario

    whos a fan of the Mosin Nagant?

    One is ati, the other is a custom thumbhole pistol grip tac driver stock. If you look in the gun section for my mosin adventures thread you will see both of them. Neither are finished as my best friend is moving to Minnesota...fucking hell
  5. SupraMario

    Stock Temp Gauge Jumping Around after 3k RPMs

    Ok so I burped the car, a few decent size bubbles came out but nothing big. I parked it on my steep as driveway and had the wife run it at 3k rpm for a good 2mins nothing changed the temp at all, will see what happens tomorrow. I did make a video ill upload here soon of what it does
  6. SupraMario

    Stock Temp Gauge Jumping Around after 3k RPMs

    I really hope it is, ill try the electrical thing tonight after I burp the system.
  7. SupraMario

    whos a fan of the Mosin Nagant?

    I've got two that im sporterizing and another in stock.
  8. SupraMario

    Stock Temp Gauge Jumping Around after 3k RPMs

    I'm really just hoping there is just a little air in the system. This morning woke up checked coolant, completely full still...but both hoses where kinda wondering now if my t-stat is stuck closed....
  9. SupraMario

    Stock Temp Gauge Jumping Around after 3k RPMs

    I really hope that this is it. Do you think I could just grab one from a auto parts store? Or are they not trust worthy?
  10. SupraMario

    Stock Temp Gauge Jumping Around after 3k RPMs

    Thing is there is no boiling sounds or gurgling. Its just a little quick rise and then it drops off. It's never hit into the red.
  11. SupraMario

    Stock Temp Gauge Jumping Around after 3k RPMs

    Stock rad. And stock tt clutch fan setup, the sender is stock. Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
  12. SupraMario

    Stock Temp Gauge Jumping Around after 3k RPMs

    I'm on my tablet, but just search my started threads. The issue with it is that I've been dding the car since 08, and this is the first time its done this. I am going to flush and clean it all up. Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
  13. SupraMario

    Stock Temp Gauge Jumping Around after 3k RPMs

    Ok, So I've got a 1987 2jzgte swapped, the motor swap has probably 60k miles on it. The Stock Temp gauge will jump from less than 1/2 (where it always was) to a little above 1/2 and it's not a slow climb, it's a sudden jump and then back down. Only when I'm going up a hill or above 3k RPM in...
  14. SupraMario

    Views on Open Carry

    Here in TN, open carry isn't a big deal. I've talked to a lot of people about it, and very few have had people say anything negative.
  15. SupraMario

    what do you guys do?

    Well after my life guarding gig when I was younger, I've always made more with each job, and normally 5 to 10xs what my peers made....always have had an office job. About to step my career up again and my salary is about to at is good.
  16. SupraMario

    what do you guys do?

    This...My car was down only for the 2jzgte swap, it's been on the road as my DD now for almost 8 years.
  17. SupraMario

    10mm or .40

    This will probably be my next gun. Checked one out the other day at the shop, and it just feels right, just like my 1911s
  18. SupraMario

    How's everyone doing? Holy crap, It's been awhile. This place still rocks. :)

    Old people be just rollin back up in this place. :P
  19. SupraMario

    Where the hell have YOU been man? Long time no see!

    TL;DR lol j/k Welcome back yo.
  20. SupraMario

    The engine of insanity....

    This guy sounds like he is a street corner vendor trying to sell me a burger.