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  1. SRZMK3

    Very lame news indeed!!

    wtf i ask a question and then i get thread jacked lmao whatever....
  2. SRZMK3

    Very lame news indeed!!

    yeah. lol i deliver pizzas so my car is always warm no matter what, what would be a good way to block it off. i really dont want to leak anymore is there a way to rid of that t section alltogether? can i block off the input and output? or do i have to have some flow? sorry for all of the q's...
  3. SRZMK3

    Very lame news indeed!!

    no the other one.. the from heater one... can i block off the hose output alltogether? and thank you for the picture that is going to help me alot, and save kitties..
  4. SRZMK3

    Very lame news indeed!!

    what about the banjo fitting.. more detail plz :D
  5. SRZMK3

    Very lame news indeed!!

    Well... after finishing my whole engine 7m ge swap, i did a little dance, jumped and spun, ran around in circles, just to find out my rear heater hose is leaking coolant like a river. turns out i missed something. THE NIPPLE WAS RUSTED OFF!!! well not completley but there was no nipple i kinda...
  6. SRZMK3

    5 1/4 speaker install

    yeah but what about magnet depth... is the space big enough to not worry About the window clearance?
  7. SRZMK3

    7mge auto in a 5 speed?

    the only difference is that you need to put on a naw flywheel instead of the pressure plate, and dont forget to put in a new pilot bearing,=. everything else bolts on the same, i am doing the same swap right now btw :D.
  8. SRZMK3

    Silver supra from federal way WA

    hey pplz and persons.. well first to start off here ima say, I LOVE THE MK3 TO BITS, i just got my 87 mk3 n/a w58 5 speed supra for 1400 5 months ago and ill never let go of it. just to prove what im saying i only drove this car for about a month or so until i finally admitted to myself that the...