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  1. mk3tattoos

    new to SM but no virgin to the supra.

    welcome to the SM family, now its time for
  2. mk3tattoos

    New Guy

    welcome!!! your car looks good.
  3. mk3tattoos

    Connector and Misc. ID help needed

    if you put the bov on the exhaust side of the engine, then use the stock location with a new vac line. if you are putting the new bov on the intake side then run a new line from the intake itself, just disconect were the exsisting bov vac line went and use that port.
  4. mk3tattoos

    Tune or No Tune??? Help!!!

    and you need a GOOD wideband to tell you what all the mods are doing for you. you realy need to no the A/F's to be safe. oops.....didnt see there was page 2, lol. So +3 wideband:)
  5. mk3tattoos

    The absolute worst looking MK3, ever?

    lol has to be one of the ugliest wanna-be supras i hav ever seen. and that mk3 omg! he put the body kit over the stock bumpers hahahahahaha
  6. mk3tattoos

    Connector and Misc. ID help needed

    yes if you leave it uncapped it will put fumes in the engine bay, but as i said before in my other post, you need a vented gas cap to release pressure in the tank, if you cap it.
  7. mk3tattoos

    Connector and Misc. ID help needed

    #4 is the vac line that goes to the bov, and the other one on the firewall is for the charcoal canister, if you dont have one, cap it off and any vac lines that goes to it. then get a vented gas cap. #1 the square is unused, i believe....
  8. mk3tattoos

    Clunking Noise Help

    nice!!!! i need to fix mine as well, i hate that dam clunk noise.
  9. mk3tattoos

    dont watch this if you have a weak stomach! (supra crash)

    they do throw caution to the wind, trying to see how many 360 they can do, at 120mph with crowds of people on the side of a road. pretty crazy stuff!!!!! the thing that tripped me out, is that they are at a track and it should be a safer place to watch a race. They did put themselves at risk...
  10. mk3tattoos

    DM oil sender hose

    thats the same one i pulled off my 7m as well!!!!
  11. mk3tattoos

    WhiteMike's Build up. Finally. (Click and wait, 56kers Go home)

    so.......can we get a video of this beast doing just one pull, im sure one of your roommates can shoot it:) very nice build by the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. mk3tattoos

    Jeff's MKIII picture/progress thread

    that is a good deal, very nice! as far as i know the safc will work fine, but you can only make moderate changes. to go big..........standalone.
  13. mk3tattoos

    My Supra Struck While on the Side of I-5

    so sorry that you lost your car, and what a horrible way to find out......just seeing a couple of pieces laying on the ground. wow! i was going to go to the meet that night as well, but had to work late. if you decide you might want to put the 7m back in a supra, i have one that would make a...
  14. mk3tattoos

    Jeff's MKIII picture/progress thread

    thanks alot! i cant wait to get some video of it pulling to 7200 RPM's, i have shift at 5500:( i realy think you should get a safc and just add a touch of fuel in the upper RPM's. then when you go single you can get the bigger injectors, afpr, then when your ready to go standalone...sell the...
  15. mk3tattoos

    1JZ Idle Suddenly Rough After Lifting Car.

    very true, check the codes! is very easy to check the codes. i have popped off a intercooler pipe while driving because i did not tighten one up enough, and was able to drive home with engine running smooth.
  16. mk3tattoos

    1JZ Idle Suddenly Rough After Lifting Car.

    intercooler pipes leaking would not cause this, due to the engine using a map sensor. you should take your ecu out of the car and open it up and look for leaking caps and can also smell it for a burnt sent. what is the bad smell from the exhaust, is it sweet smelling, or more like gas?
  17. mk3tattoos

    engine under-cover needed?

    on my 87, during a road trip, i had a rock come up and hit the fan as well, then the fan blade took out the fan shroud. found a toyota stealer 300 miles from home and had to wait in a hotel over night for them to order a fan blade and shroud, oh plus labor. set me back about $400, kinda ruined...
  18. mk3tattoos

    Jeff's MKIII picture/progress thread

    yes it will......single has a much better sound than the twins, and more power, which is what realy counts:) as soon as my twins fail, i am going single or when summer hits, which ever comes first, lol. monster, did you check out my weak fly-by? i was trying to stay away from boost cut:)...
  19. mk3tattoos

    1JZ to 2JZ

    (Apperently not the motor would have to run on true twin like the 1j since wiring and ecu are from the 1) can you clarify what your saying here? very hard to understand:)
  20. mk3tattoos

    nothing special, just a short drive

    hey thanks alot! what kind of exhaust do you have thats giving you problems?