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  1. karlmk3

    vis cf hood just flew off my car wtf!!!!

    yaya haha we made it shhhh we make knock off vis and walbro some really sweet turbo kits to. we custome fabed the one for the guy that made 12xx on his single pump walbro purple people eater supra :naughty:
  2. karlmk3

    vis cf hood just flew off my car wtf!!!!

    have they done anything yet. or did you give up
  3. karlmk3


    but for some people its not bad money. i make way more then that. some of these people scare me i wonder if they could even work at mcd
  4. karlmk3


    i wished some of these tards had a deg. i sware one girl that is here is fucking stoned out her mind right now but i finaly got the ok to fire her yay :3d_frown::aigo: im working on getting new people in. i have to get the ok from my boss first though
  5. karlmk3


    the problum is im there manager lol and ya my spelling sucks i know.. lets all point and laugh at the ibm dumass haha i can poke fun at myself.. to late for no mods just droped a 1jz in that to me is a decent mod.
  6. karlmk3


    they get paid 18 an hour to start not to bad in this econamy imo
  7. karlmk3


    ok i have to vent. i work for ibm im a manger here. ill have to leave out alot of details cause of confidential info. why the fuck would we spend time and money hiring these people that a. dont show up for the job are they stupid b. i have had people working for me for 6 months still dont know...
  8. karlmk3

    Let's say Thanks in support of our troops

    i did this and sent a email to everyone at work as well
  9. karlmk3

    New MK3 record, 950ft lbs @ 2,500rpm

    no no your wrong he stands with the honda guys with them 4 foot wings
  10. karlmk3

    New MK3 record, 950ft lbs @ 2,500rpm

    holy s*** bat man that guy is great. i havent laughed that hard in a grip if he came over here he would prob cry like a lil girl i even know those mods and numbers dont make sense. i love the 7m is built indistuctable or what ever he said has he ever heard of bhg
  11. karlmk3

    I'm sick and stuck in bed, so I thought I would relate a funny experience.

    thats classic made the rest of the day at work a lil faster
  12. karlmk3

    It's a BEAST!

    congrats bro sounds like you had a lil fun on the highway
  13. karlmk3

    Ive just about had enough.

    dude sounds like you got alot of time into it. you sell it now youll miss it and regret it i regret my first project car i sold i miss it still to this day. just personal exp
  14. karlmk3

    aftermarket gauges

    where is a good place to do the oil pressue? and my tach dont work where is a good place to put an aftermarket tach for a temp fix? i want to get the most accurate reading. and why in the hell is my tach not working fuck
  15. karlmk3

    Pike's Peak

    i have been on that road alot i love to push it up there but hell no i aint that brave
  16. karlmk3

    r154 tranny

    ill check it out
  17. karlmk3

    What upgrades next?

    im sure there is a sensor that will youll just have to look for one that will work for your set up i know that will be my next piece is a wideband then stand alone. i wanna redo the turbos steel blades and see how much they will boost then .. :evil2:
  18. karlmk3

    r154 tranny

    nice .. the last a saw a toyota book go for was like 150 it was a lil insane but it covered everything my x father in law had a 1986.5 supra targa 7mgte and thats what inspired the hole supra thing for me and he had the book. he used to work for toyota i sat down and learned alot from that. but...
  19. karlmk3

    An honest should I buy this car thread

    i would i wished i could find another supra at a price like that the ones here are rusted through and there still asking 1000+ its insance i got lucky picked mine up for 800 no rust not even in the tire well. the guy didnt know what he had either
  20. karlmk3

    r154 tranny

    ya i have looked havent found one yet. but i dont mind waiting i work nights and i spend all night on supramania at ibm dollar lol.