Ok then so its the dvd player itself. The dvd player is hooked up via rca jacks. Ill switch them over to component jacks and that should be the difference :)and yes kai i am re-encoding them to play specifically on the dvd player. This "720p" dvd-r disk is still far superior to a...
if HD doesnt degrade i was very disapointed in the way the 720p looked on the tv. When i get some dual layer disc ill try a 1080p copy of the same movies so i can judge for myself. Would the dvd player itself be a limiting factor?
hmmm, never thought about that. Honestly i didnt think they would put them on sale.
What speeds disc do you buy, if you even care to pick a speed?Whats the actual disc space usage size. Like the dvd5's say 4.7 gigs but you can only uses 4.5gigs
Thanks iwannadie
I priced them and they are reasonable priced.The standard speeds are definetly cheaper, but the faster disc(8x) are comparably priced close to the price of the local store
Ive been on a HD binge, its ok to burn regular dvd's to dvd5's, but hd definelty degrades on this size disk, so i believe its time to upgrade to some new media.
For anybody using these disk, how is reliability.How many disc have u burned before you have a bad disk that error's out.
Congrates, but be CAREFULL
As a kid that grew up in versailles. I knew about 5 people by time i was freshmen in HS that lost there lives do to speeding out in the country.Yes there is certain strip that allows you to get up to triple digits speeds.
Wow this thread is amazing.Nothing for me to add
My position should be obvious, check the s/n, and avy ;)
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