Its amazing that Venom still exists with all the problems they cause. Im surprised there isnt a class action suit against that company.
Im sending my 440s to Rich. Was going to send them to RC-Engineering but they cost almost $10 more per injector so ive decided to send them to Rich instead...
If anything, we should all write in and get The Amazing Spider-Man on the show to fix up his ride.....but then again that may be a bad idea. Last thing he wants is a 60 inch plasma under his car and a goddy body kit with spinners.
I beg to differ. He seems very conservative with his money.
After he got the car, he didnt do anything to it for a while while prolly saving his pennies.
Hang out on Brand Blvd any night of the week...... you'll see tons of these Armenian Guidos. I have nothing against Armenians, ive known lots of them, but its the guido's in general... Armo or not that dislike.
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