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  1. Loki

    funny ass story

    That was great :rofl:
  2. Loki

    chat 11/15/05 11:23 pm central

    I was in there earlier, but it's bed time now. Be in tomorrow evening.
  3. Loki

    Ebay user names

    I don't have one, but if I was to buy something off Ebay I'd use my brothers and it's Rukknar.
  4. Loki


    I'm in there.
  5. Loki

    Manual Boost Controller

    +1 to that, I love my DrJ MBC :icon_razz
  6. Loki


    That's funny.
  7. Loki

    9 things you dont find everyday

    You were even ugly as a lil kid Jeff, there was no hope for you at all :3d_frown:
  8. Loki

    word association

  9. Loki

    Need help finding a picture...

    :rofl: good work Nate!
  10. Loki

    Who's drunk right now!?

    Let me're drunk :icon_surp
  11. Loki

    word association

  12. Loki

    WRC Australia

    My brother unloads the truck at work once a week or so, and hears the stories from the truck drivers about hitting deer, and mouse and all that really happens is they splat then someone else has to clean it up later :icon_surp
  13. Loki


    I don't think the snow is going to stay on the ground yet, it's still to warm outside. Last year the first snow that stayed on the ground was on Christmas eve, and it snowed straight through till Boxing Day. Only good thing about it was that I went out with a friend in his truck and we went snow...
  14. Loki

    WRC Australia

    I was watching it earlier, but then Simpsons and other shows came on so I stoped. I didn't see anyone hit a kangaroo though :( I saw when some guys car was on fire though.
  15. Loki

    Carnage Thread

    Mine is still perfect. Loki > Jeff :biglaugh:
  16. Loki

    Time for a 604 mini-meet! UPDATED with time & location

    Jeremy's car is hot. Who belongs to the white one?
  17. Loki


    Those are cool.
  18. Loki


    Damn, maybe I shoudl come live with you IJ. I wish it never snowed here :(
  19. Loki


    Well I slept in today, and finally went upstairs about 15 min ago and saw this... I don't like snow, I wanted it to be nice today. I was going to clean my car up before it started snowing, seeing as it's been sitting since mid August it's really dirty. Oh well, guess I can't now :cry:
  20. Loki

    Who's drunk right now!?

    Brewster, you are always drunk. I was supposed to get drunk but then I couldn't get a hold of anyone and I don't like to drink by myself, so I guess it'll have to wait till some other time :(