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  1. steveyblack

    steveyblacks build

    alright, these are the pics from yesterday...didnt get far, broke my only 12 mm bit, getting new ones tomorrow// anyway here is how it stands right now and these are the things i want to fix.. the last one is where its leaking, i need to pull up that striping and seal up the...
  2. steveyblack

    Rusted Fender work

    ehh maybe buy a new fender, and then paint it???
  3. steveyblack

    steveyblacks build

    ehh the prev. owner didnt have a cap, i i started it for a quick second just to see if it worked...and thats the dryed up coolent
  4. steveyblack

    steveyblacks build going to soak them in liquid wrench before taking them out... is there any reason why i shouldnt reuse the gasket..
  5. steveyblack

    steveyblacks build

    tomorrow plans(after work) rip all the int. out... find the leak in my hatch. get a better list of what i need/could need... in a couple of days i hope to be dremeling out all the rust and spraying some self etching primer down... oh i got a quick question...when removing the TB, are there...
  6. steveyblack

    steveyblacks build

    hey all i got this beaut for 800$, 58k first i thought it had a master clutch/slave cylinder prob(pedal sticking to floor)...but one day after messing with the slave cylinder it started to work...lmao..other than some rust in the spare tire well and a lil on the body. the bumpers/hood...
  7. steveyblack

    Fluctuating idle

    any additives i should put in to clean the injectors of the stail/old gas?
  8. steveyblack

    Fluctuating idle

    yah i just started my new supra for the first time in a long time, and my idle is at about 400-600 and drops and comes back up...there is very little gas(light is on) and its old gas, could it be the gas? or maybe something to do with not being started for a while? thanks steveyblack
  9. steveyblack

    People's reactions when riding in your supra

    yah i had my car for a day(not even running yet) and someone already asked how to get out and is this car going to be drifting when it runs
  10. steveyblack

    Going to school. Sick of drunken vandalism, need suggestions for an alarm

    thats because most mkiii's either have BHG, rod knock, or down for a build, or a combination of the 3
  11. steveyblack

    removing rust

    really? maybe some sort or specialty paint..
  12. steveyblack

    removing rust

    edison, what about you?
  13. steveyblack

    removing rust

    woops really didnt mean sitting, like im going to take it out every now...and i am going to get a cover for it...
  14. steveyblack

    removing rust

    ok im getting my first car and supra tomorrow, and im wonder what do i do with the rust i got, i have some on the rear fender(penny sized) but the spare wheel well has rusted through...can i attack at it with a grind wheel till its off, then spay some primmer on it until i can get it patched...
  15. steveyblack


    yah thats it, thanks... lol that vid makes me lol everytime i see it
  16. steveyblack

    wingless mkiii's?

    ok good =]. oh another question, where can i get a seal on my rear hatch glass fixed at? it leaks a little when there is a ton of rain...and is it cheap?? maybe just throw some silicone in there and call it a day?
  17. steveyblack


    yah i cant either, i been looking for days...
  18. steveyblack

    wingless mkiii's?

    are there any that come from the factory without one? because the one that im going to buy dosnt have one, i didnt ask him if he got it removed and filled it...dosnt look like it had any work done to the hatch...but did supra's ever come without a wing...oh the car is a 87 n/a, sport package
  19. steveyblack


    no thats not it, the guy with the cam is the civic,,,
  20. steveyblack


    the video of some civic reving it to a mkiii supra(red), and the supra owner didnt even look at him, and when the light turned green they go at it, and the supra destroys the civic in the race.. thanks steveyblack