Search results

  1. rodel

    Socal: Toyota Museum Meet - July 24

    If you will attend, please include your name in the attendance list. One week prior to the meet, the museum needs to know the exact count of vehicles that will be at the meet so that appropriate security could be provided for them. Attendees: 1. Rodel 2. SuprA70 3. kingerm 4. 91mk3supra...
  2. rodel

    Socal: Toyota Museum Meet - July 24

    If you will attend, please include your name in the attendance list. One week prior to the meet, the museum needs to know the exact count of vehicles that will be at the meet so that appropriate security could be provided for them. Attendees: 1. Rodel 2. SuprA70 3. kingerm 4. 91mk3supra 5...
  3. rodel

    sportmax xxr 521's

    PM the owner of the car below for all the details you need: sai_supra1jz
  4. rodel

    sportmax xxr 521's

    Go with 225 40 on the 8.5" and 255 35 on the 10"
  5. rodel

    ***The Black Supras Thread***

    Would you consider reading the definitions of the choice of your words, below? Main Entry: ut·ter Pronunciation: \ˈə-tər\ Function: adjective Etymology: Middle English, remote, from Old English ūtera outer, comparative adjective from ūt out, adverb — more at out...
  6. rodel

    ***The Black Supras Thread***

    Nice! The Trial lip is the best lip.
  7. rodel

    Socal: Toyota Museum Meet - July 24

    If you will attend, please include your name in the attendance list. One week prior to the meet, the museum needs to know the exact count of vehicles that will be at the meet so that appropriate security could be provided for them. Attendees: 1. Rodel 2. SuprA70 3. kingerm 4. 91mk3supra 5...
  8. rodel

    Drop and Roll: Lowered MKIIIs + Aftermarket Wheel Showroom

    Very nice, Charles. How wide are the spacers?
  9. rodel

    Socal: Toyota Museum Meet - July 24

    If you will attend, please include your name in the attendance list. One week prior to the meet, the museum needs to know the exact count of vehicles that will be at the meet so that appropriate security could be provided for our cars. Attendees: 1. Rodel 2. SuprA70 3. kingerm 4. 91mk3supra...
  10. rodel

    6 speed manual into mk3

    FYI, Kaizen Motorsports just recently did a 6 speed swap into an MK3.
  11. rodel

    Drop and Roll: Lowered MKIIIs + Aftermarket Wheel Showroom

    customs: looking good. How about providing pics with better angles for the viewing pleasure of the wheels. sai_supra1jz: Nice! How about some higher quality and larger pics without the driver sexiness :naughty:? (No homo. ) 4U2QUIK: Thanks for contributing! How about posting pics that...
  12. rodel

    Socal: Toyota Museum Meet - July 24

    If you will attend, please include your name in the attendance list. One week prior to the meet, the museum needs to know the exact count of vehicles that will be at the meet so that appropriate security could be provided for them. Attendees: 1. Rodel 2. SuprA70 3. kingerm 4. 91mk3supra 5...
  13. rodel

    Socal Supras!

    A friendly reminder to those who have not signed up and want to attend: The Toyota Museum meet.
  14. rodel

    Socal: Toyota Museum Meet - July 24

    1. Rodel 2. SuprA70 3. kingerm 4. 91mk3supra 5. 6. my95genIV 7. MB38 8. akeosh 9. Shant Tarbinian 10. rpsil13 11. buckweed 12. Nick Stonawski 13. Da BlaCkMoBiLe 14. rmjsupra 15. TRD 83 SUPRA XX 16. Suprajoey 17. Razoe 18. TRD 83 SUPRA XX 19. incidious
  15. rodel

    Drop and Roll: Lowered MKIIIs + Aftermarket Wheel Showroom

    ssr ms1 ---------- Post added at 08:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:21 PM ---------- There is a pretty nice knockoff that look similar: XXR 521
  16. rodel

    Drop and Roll: Lowered MKIIIs + Aftermarket Wheel Showroom

    The most recent pic of the Supra. Less chatter, gentlemen. More pics! :bigthumb:
  17. rodel

    Lets see those wheels on MKIIIs!

    Right here. TehEl1te: Why don't you just click on the thread below? While you're at it, why don't you post pics of your own car, given that it has aftermarket wheels and is lowered...
  18. rodel

    Socal: Toyota Museum Meet - July 24

    Yes. Then you've got no excuse not to make it. Attendees: 1. Rodel 2. SuprA70 3. kingerm 4. 91mk3supra 5. 6. my95genIV 7. MB38 8. akeosh 9. Shant Tarbinian 10. rpsil13 11. buckweed 12. Nick Stonawski 13. Da BlaCkMoBiLe