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  1. OfnaRcR4

    Theiving Bastards

    That sucks hardcore. I don't know what i would do if someone broke into my car. I'm just wondering how ppl do it because of that crazy alarm. Do they pick the drivers side lock?
  2. OfnaRcR4

    Sony speakers

    Yeah, stay away from sony speakers and amps. No good.
  3. OfnaRcR4

    Last video you watched online

    I was just watching this vid with this asian girl on the ground and a funnel on her, then it had egg yolks or something in it, i onno.
  4. OfnaRcR4

    ***SM member 1/4 mi. times list***

    My NA got a 15.8 :3d_frown: I'm hoping my turbo will get at least mid 14's. We'll see next week or so.
  5. OfnaRcR4

    Starter wont dissengage

    The solinoid could be not disengaging. I onno, maybe clarify a bit?:biglaugh:
  6. OfnaRcR4

    hp gains question...

    Your definetly going to want a DDP. I don't have any personal experience with it, but i will eventually because of all of the good reviews.
  7. OfnaRcR4

    nissan 300zx
  8. OfnaRcR4

    Just want to make sure.

    Not really just because i couldn't get it completly tight. The coupler was pretty stretched.
  9. OfnaRcR4

    Just want to make sure.

    Thank god, it ended up just being the lower ic connection. It does sag a bit, mostly because the pipeing that goes to it needed to be just a bit longer. It was definetly the problem though because the noise went away for the most part..:love: BTW, a stuck sensor is causing the birdcage.
  10. OfnaRcR4

    Just want to make sure.

    Its cool man. I will go check the lower pipes right now.
  11. OfnaRcR4

    Lazy Seatbelt Retractors

    Hate to say it suprabad, but you should of dropped it.
  12. OfnaRcR4

    Just want to make sure.

    Yeah, here is a vid with the accordian hose off looking inside. Seems pretty normal? I am going to research how to find boost leaks.
  13. OfnaRcR4

    Just want to make sure.

    There is some side to side shaft play but no in and out. Also, there was a drip of oil right at the onpening. Considering that i have little experience in turbos i can't judge how much is too much play. Anyone have a second opinion?
  14. OfnaRcR4

    Just want to make sure.

    Ok, thanks i'll have a look.
  15. OfnaRcR4

    Heat "cloth" under hood.

    Definetly keep it on. Just fix the the problem.
  16. OfnaRcR4

    Just want to make sure.

    When driving home from buying the car i noticed the turbo makin some noise and i immediately thought, yay turbo death whine. Just want to make sure.
  17. OfnaRcR4

    Funny pic thread *NWS*

    Metal is teh lame
  18. OfnaRcR4

    Interest in having TEMS shocks Rebuilt?

    What i want to know is how to tell if they are even functional.