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  1. eman2289

    New Cadbury's Advert

    HAHAHA those were great! random, but great!
  2. eman2289


    Cause hes good like that.
  3. eman2289

    A game to pass the time...

    ^ PLEASE let that be sarcasm!! :rofl: :rofl:
  4. eman2289

    What the fuck.

    No. /thread
  5. eman2289

    Modifications for 2JZGTE Swap?

    Ummm. Okkaayyyyy. Thanks Supracentral.
  6. eman2289

    Modifications for 2JZGTE Swap?

    Was that a joke? If it was, I dont get it.
  7. eman2289

    *happy Dance*

    Is your boss an older man by any chance?
  8. eman2289

    Modifications for 2JZGTE Swap?

    How did it not help?? There is a list. You have a list. Compare the lists and see what you are missing. Read the thread. It tells of every modification needed.
  9. eman2289

    Modifications for 2JZGTE Swap?

    Lets try this. First, read this : Next, decide if you can do it or not.
  10. eman2289

    Insanious Mk3!!!!!!

    No water neck or anything.
  11. eman2289

    98 Mustang GT

    ^ Hahaha
  12. eman2289

    Four nice Supra's and thanks to my friends

    Would you happen to have any high res pic of you car you could send me? Of like everything. lol.
  13. eman2289

    Four nice Supra's and thanks to my friends

    That has to be the most beautiful 2J i have ever seen! Do you have any high res pics of it? The PS bracket, braided hoses, intake mani... everything.. EDIT: I just looked up the user name... that just made my favorite appearance car my favorite all around MKIII. Jeez.. I hope I can make my 2J...
  14. eman2289

    Prank call gone wrong

    :rofl: :rofl:
  15. eman2289

    drive-by shooting practice

    lol. I saw that in the funny pics thread on like pg 6 or something. I had to set it as my avatar, it was just too good to pass up. lol. But I still dont get why the vid is not funny to you guys...
  16. eman2289

    Weird sound from engine?

    Lol.. it just fell off??? :rofl:
  17. eman2289

    drive-by shooting practice

    ^ y?
  18. eman2289

    drive-by shooting practice

  19. eman2289

    So i took my dog for a walk last night....

    The perfect thread. Short and to the point story, with pics and a video. oh the racoon was cool too