Well I brought it home today and got some better pictures of it. I did wash it so it wouldn't look as trashy in the driveway. The wife drove up and had the "What the Fuck" look on her face. I bought a tarp to go over the hatch. I did not have a chance to clean up the inside any but did get all...
Good job on finding a nice 87!
BTW, not all 56kers are in an area that will allow them to "get with the times". I was lucky and was finally able to get wireless. Small price for living in the sticks.
Very nice. My first drive in an MKIII was a blue 92 Turbo in December of 91. I've wanted one ever since. 92's are rare, be lucky you have one in such good shape. Again, very nice.
It's a real sleeper! I'm very jealous. I wished I had the patience to save up for a swap like that.
Your license plate should be 1JSLEPR or something like that.
No targa:(
I called the guy back today and told him I will buy it on Friday. Once I get it home I'll "assess" its situation. I haven't told the wife about it yet either. I may just surprise her with it and she will be surprised.
Da89Soup, she refers to my supra as stupid ass car also...
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