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  1. Adjuster

    Brown A-Pillar Guage Pod

    Can of plastic paint is your friend. Seriously.
  2. Adjuster

    Wierd noise about 2k RPM

    What does it sound like? If your getting a tick tick tick or clack clack clack noise from there, it's a cracked flex plate. I have seen this in a GM auto trans, and one Supra. (A 91 turbo/auto.) Sounded pretty much the same. The Supra was broken way more than the Camaro however. (I...
  3. Adjuster

    Targa Brace?

    I would not want to lose the head room. Just get a hardtop car, and it's not a question anymore. That being said, the bolt in one to use when you have the top off is a great idea.
  4. Adjuster

    Fuel upgrade kit from HPF - how does it assemble? Pics included

    Here is how I have mine. This was from JBL, and I've since made up the stainless line v/s the pushlock hose. THe pressure gauge is kinda large, but easy to read:) I put some angle fittings and nipples on there to make it fit better. I have no J tube or other fittings anymore. Fuel comes...
  5. Adjuster

    Stupid #$#$^%#$%@ Walbro Fuel Pumps

    Yep, that is just not possible. Pump failure is pretty remote, and milions of them are made each year, and run for decades in gas tanks around the world. I would check the following. Your voltage regulator. Are you hard wired to the pump, or are you using the stock resistor that varies...
  6. Adjuster

    This made me laugh. it might you laugh too

    Yep, with the Socialists, opps, Democrats in power of both houses, you can sign up for Welfare, and really enjoy your chosen profession...
  7. Adjuster

    How to "jack up" an Elise

    Illregardless? You must be writing speaches for our President... LOL Regardless is the word. There is no Iregardless. (Does not exist, but it's there with Illregardless, when your very sick, no matter what you do I suppose... ROTFLMAO.)
  8. Adjuster

    How to "jack up" an Elise

    I'd buy and drive that "totalled" Elise anytime. Nifty cars, alloy chassis, uses lots of bonding adheasives and very cool tech to build it. That shot of the flat bottem is pretty cool too. Too bad they have so many scoops and wings they are not that clean areo wise IIRC. Anyone know the Cd...
  9. Adjuster

    The (old) Official Gun Thread.

    Actually would love to have one of these :)
  10. Adjuster

    Well, it's official. I am no longer a civilain....

    Your a very impressive person for going back into service during a time of war, knowing what you do having been in before. You have my thanks, and my awe. It's too bad you have to deal with the barbs of those who for political reasons can't see the need to defend freedom, and the way of...
  11. Adjuster

    OK, This has to STOP.

    Listen to yourself. Then turn off the TV. Unplug the phone. Turn off your cell phone. Turn off your alarm clock, or cover it up so you can't be distracted by the light. Make sure your blinds are closed, house is quiet and get some sleep man. If you still can't fall asleep, go to a DR.
  12. Adjuster

    OK, This has to STOP.

    I would talk to a Dr. Seriously. A Dr. can go over this with you, make sure everything's OK, and then proscribe medicine if that's what you need. I have a brother in law who takes a sleeping pill from time to time. The Dr. told him to make sure he was close to his bed when he took it...
  13. Adjuster

    14 piston caliper

    Bigger pads just make them last longer, all things being equal. Larger rotors however are generally a bonus in a few ways. Increase in swept area. (More surface area to clamp to/on.) Increase in effective tourqe. (Think cheater bar on your wrench.) More are to expose to air flow, and...
  14. Adjuster

    Hussein's trial

    You guys know who started the Iran/Iraq war that killed 10's of thousands of people? (Some say it was more like a million dead over the 8 years of open war, and around 12 years of conflict...) During this time the guy who's about the twist in the wind used poison gas on his own countrymen...
  15. Adjuster

    14 piston caliper

    The brakes are Wilwood GNIII 6 piston front calipers over 14x1.38" spirally vented and slotted rotors on alloy hats. Rears are also done up with Wilwood Forged Billet Dynalite 4 piston calipers over 14x1.25" spirally vented and slotted rotors with steel hats that retain the stock parking...
  16. Adjuster

    New to Self-defense

    You think teenagers can't kill you? (Espcially stealing beer and cigs?) (Check this out.) You think death by knife or club is less leathal than death by gun shot wound? What part of my morals don't you like? 1) I will never harm a fly unless you...
  17. Adjuster

    New to Self-defense

    Cryo, you obviously have not lived around much. I have seen people shot and killed infront of my face, and realize that life is fleeting at best, and something worth protecting any way possible. I deal with dead people's families from time to time, and often with their wrecked vehicles...
  18. Adjuster

    14 piston caliper

    Love the powdercoatings, so next time around, these get powdercoated candy apple red... :) Mine are not quite as big, but they get the job done.