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  1. DreamerTheresa

    Who's drunk right now!?

    Totally forgot that I took an ultram earlier. Paired it with a margarita. "nurrrrrhurrrr....." ensues.
  2. DreamerTheresa

    regional forum...whered it go?

    But he's still, quite obviously, a newb/n00b/noob/etc.
  3. DreamerTheresa

    Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays, SupraMania!

    ...because we don't need a "Merry Christmas" thread from each and every user from Off Topic who celebrates it, I merged some threads. It's a cold, rainy, dreary day here in Atlanta. Ugh. MERRY CHRISTMAS to all mah Off Topic bitches!
  4. DreamerTheresa

    not exactly photo editing but seemed the best

    Those of us who could draw such a thing are usually pretty good at interpreting sketches. Might as well post what you've got and see what can be done. I also echo all that Dunckel said.
  5. DreamerTheresa

    Anti-Christmas Thread

    LoL. Kick the baby! I'll be in bed half the day catching up on sleep. Back to work bright and early at 7 on the 26th.
  6. DreamerTheresa

    Happy Birthday Jake!

    Happy birthday, love muffin!
  7. DreamerTheresa

    Pics. of basement, enterment area. Lets see yours.

    Not 'til we get the basement and the "Bad Girl Room" painted.
  8. DreamerTheresa

    Cloverfield goodness

    That's redundant. I likely will be 'til middle of next month when I get my surgery. ...but I didn't write that review. :icon_razz
  9. DreamerTheresa

    a good womens xmis list lol

    I actually didn't get an X Pole. I got mine from Platinum Stages.
  10. DreamerTheresa

    a good womens xmis list lol

    Or an X Pole.
  11. DreamerTheresa

    Tercel+plowtruck=FATLIP :(

    Honey, you didn't get cut off, you got cut INTO.
  12. DreamerTheresa

    a good womens xmis list lol

    I couldn't comprehend any of the original post due to horrible spelling, grammar, and lack of punctuation.
  13. DreamerTheresa

    Cloverfield goodness See "featured widget" Also: Humorous review of Cloverfield (spoiler alert) I got to see Cloverfield Monster Goes Apeshit two weeks ago. We’ve been on double shifts at Wetzel’s Pretzels because we’re selling these goddamn frosting and cinnamon pretzels...
  14. DreamerTheresa

    I am Legend

    I can't wait to see it. I haven't read the graphic novel, so have no idea what to expect. ...except for delicious Mr. Will Smith. :: drool ::
  15. DreamerTheresa

    Our former banned members need to see this when they log in...

    I've yet to see the nude WoW mod.
  16. DreamerTheresa

    What's on your Christmas list?

    Here's my list (I guess it's NWS if you consider stock images of personal massagers NWS): (I really do collect Breyers and My Little Ponies. Sometimes I'm still 10 years old.)
  17. DreamerTheresa

    What's on your Christmas list?

    I did wind up buying myself one of those toys. :naughty:
  18. DreamerTheresa

    What's on your Christmas list?

    Where to begin...
  19. DreamerTheresa

    You Might Be A Ricer If…

    I saw a Type-R GT-R Thunderbird once.