Just bought me a 91 turbo (also black)....... So it looks like my 87 will be down a bit longer than originally planned :icon_conf . I will be doing a short runner FFIM and to my knowledge you have to pull the AC to make it work is that right??
Is there a difference between them from the 87-88 to 89+ models?? like there is with the alternator?? ( I know about the threaded holes in 89+ models but is that the only difference???)
Your car looks great!!!!! :icon_bigg
I thought I was rebuilding.......until I looked at all 8 pages of your build thread :biglaugh: ...... Hell of a job !!!
I just bought one for my car....... :icon_bigg it is right at 390 +tax (Get a quote as a customer and see what they say....it will leave you crying :cry: ) Employee special :icon_bigg Not to mention that Matt is not the only vendor around town that offers free shipping!!! :biglaugh:
It is the V8 lexus afm so it would be the one out of sc 400 or any other v8 lexus engine. You are pretty much on the right track. Lex afm= 25% more air, paired with 550s = 25% more fuel. There is a little more to it than that, because you have to upgrade your fuel pump and do other supporting...
I got the bitch out today......... :icon_bigg Just took a longer hex (one of the ones with a handle) and broke it loose. It seems that when I initially started messing with it the hex bit I was using was too damn short to get all the way to the bottom of that damn stock bolt. Anyhow, as long...
Where the hell do you get a sock-it-out tool?? i just did some searching and some guy got it loose with one of those...hmmmmmm Yeah, I am pretty sure i will kill my head if I drill. :icon_conf
I stripped a damn head bolt....... the second one from the front on the intake side..... The rest of the bolts came out without a problem. I am so pissed at myself right now :rant: Any ideas on how to take it out???
Thanks guys
motor is out and on the engine stand........:evil2: I stripped everything off of the block except for the cam gears, timing belt and the water pump housing. The freaking manifolds are so filthy...... :cry:. Big thanks goes out to Oscar, Jai and Donnie for all of their help to take out the...
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