There is an aftermarket replica of the factory oem spoiler. I forget who made it. I have one. It does not use the original factory led light. Unfortunately mine is also missing the light.
It will look like the original, but we will be making improvements.
The original does not use the factory mounting holes in the trunk. We will look into creating a new version that is improved so that factory holes are utilized.
This new version will be a very limited run. While I don't...
His YouTube channel is called "Poor Man Mods." I'm not surprised that there are at least 10 things that he hates about his Supra. Nearly all of his complaints can be fixed, but evidently, he won't spend time and money to do so.
Also, he mentioned in his video that his friend did a similar...
I think what you guys mean is that the lip should be taller so that when installed, it would be closer to the ground?
Making the lip taller would make it easier to make the mold with regards to the vents.
This requires for the lip to be cut latitudinally , extended, then put back together.
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