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  1. Loki

    Secrets to becoming a mod, revealed!

    I was a super mod on this other local site, but then it got merged with another site and I edited my own post after it had been edited by the owner of the site, and then I wasn't a mod anymore.
  2. Loki

    Happy bday Dziuggy

    Happy Birthday Ziggy.
  3. Loki

    Secrets to becoming a mod, revealed!

    It took me a long time to become a mod, and then when I did it was only the Kill Section. Now I also mod OT with some other people, but it was hard work to become a mod :runaway:
  4. Loki


    My truck is about as redneck as you can get, but it's got all the balls it needs under the hood...mmmmm.....429.... :bigthumb:
  5. Loki

    Help with X-Mas wishlist for the girlfriend

    I keep telling my g/f to buy me car and truck stuff and she says she has no money :dunno:
  6. Loki

    How do you spend YOUR paycheck?

    My pay cheques go towards rent, loan payment, insurance, and gas for the truck. A 429 is far from cheap on gas :aigo: Also I'm starting to put money away off my cheques to go towards the motor for my car.
  7. Loki


    I would never disgrace my truck with those.
  8. Loki

    Please Ban Neo NOW

  9. Loki

    What's your favorite movie/T.V. car

    2000GT from You Only Live Twice.
  10. Loki

    Got Me A Raise!!!

    Congrats, I wanna get a raise :(
  11. Loki

    7M & 1JZ Supra Sunday Shoot

    I normally don't like GTCs, but on that car they look awesome, so do the shaved door handles :bigthumb:
  12. Loki

    Hellslegion Vs. Borhor!

    I opened the video, then had a lil nap and then watched the end of the race :biglaugh:
  13. Loki

    DreamerTheresa, I'm calling you out!

    Happy Birthday to everyone.
  14. Loki

    Who else hates nick hogan

    This thread fails.
  15. Loki


    CK, you should have done this but less 350 and more Cobra :D
  16. Loki

    Daylight Savings

    I changed mine last night before I went to bed I was wondering why it said it was earlier on the computer than when I left the girlfriends house :icon_lol:
  17. Loki

    LOL MR2 Strikes back

  18. Loki


    I'm not dressing up this year, I didn't go to any Halloween parties and I have to work on Halloween anyways, so there isn't a point.
  19. Loki

    Best car ad EVAR!

    I lol'd.