Right here: http://www.jcwhitney.com/autoparts/Browse/showCustom-0/tf-Browse/makeName-Toyota/makeId-85/modelName-Supra/modelId-2191/year-1989/s-10101/N-111+600001085+200729292+1989/c-10101
Thanks Neodeuccio, Yes the bar stays on the car while the top goes back on. It makes for another great "Oh Shit" handle.:biglaugh:
Kyle's handle is projectsupra, he's a real nice guy so I'm sure he'll share with you most of the details, but I don't think he will build anymore. They were way...
Thanks everyone that came out, what an awesome day......................photos and coverage from the meet are here on SF.
I'm not that tall (5'-8") but I have no headroom issues with the bar that Kyle built for me. I did have to modify both the front and rear headliner pans, then reupholster them, so I am very interested in seeing what you have designed Jayson.
I definitely wanted one that stayed on the car...
I can see that Joe, and I apologized for the misunderstanding and made a nice jesture to him which I see is now being thrown in my face................................
I'm done in this thread, if anything else needs to be said, take it up in PM's where it belongs.
Oh my God, you pussies are a bunch of little school girls..................
I tried to address this in the proper manner, through PM's and TooSlow was the only one that had enough integrity to handle it as such.....................
So now I'll lay it out for everyone to read, I never...
Everything came from Home Depot. You can buy a roll of the tar paper (stuff stinks), and roll of duct tape for the floor. Tar paper will keep the dust down. 1x2's, L brackets and hinges for the framing and door. Home A/C filters and duct tape for filtration in the door, Rolls of plastic and a...
So true....................I built an enclosed paint booth in my garage and everything still had red dust all over it a year later.....the paint job came out awesome though, so I guess it was worth it! I used tar paper for the floors, framed it with 1x2's and covered in plastic. I made a door...
This thing is only up to 15 pages on my computer!:biglaugh:
I was at the point about a year and a half into my build where the car was completely disassembled and I thought "What have I gotten myself into? I'll never get this car back together."
Never give up, keep working at it and sure...
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