Search results

  1. K

    my new skate shoes (big pic warning)

    Holy moly, never seen those before :aigo:
  2. K

    WTF ??

    Burgandy sucks, don't get me wrong but I'd rock the burgandy over tan anyday of the week.
  3. K

    Paintchopped STi w00t w00t

    Second sti pic looks like a skyline. The eclipse is F'ing ugly, but nice paint skills.
  4. K

    Winner ROTM: November - Kenneth O. - tookwik4u89

    Excellent work! I'm proud to pass my banner spot off to you! Enjoy your month of glory :icon_bigg
  5. K

    WINNER ROTM: September Nate M. - kwnate

    I'm in denial...
  6. K

    So next friday...

    How about this thread is moved to the Southwest section where it belongs :dunno:
  7. K

    Oh the humanity a snowman on a Supra!!!

    awd yes, and I don't waste my time with hondas anymore. I prefer mk3's :icon_razz
  8. K

    FREE DOG!!

  9. K

    Oh the humanity a snowman on a Supra!!!

    you know you want me
  10. K

    clear turn signals....

    How about some tyte USDM ones? I have a mint set :icon_razz Seriously though, I saw a thread just like this recently. Its older then I thought...
  11. K

    Oh the humanity a snowman on a Supra!!!

    Thats a sexy man in the first pic. Therefore the repost is ok.
  12. K

    Omg I just got attacked by a Crazy Lady!!!

    and you're worried about some pin up girls touching your car....
  13. K

    Group Buy Feeler: New calendar, and Posters + 1950's style pinup girls

    I want in, but the weather sucks and my car doesn't run when its raining :dunno:
  14. K

    Group Buy Feeler: New calendar, and Posters + 1950's style pinup girls

    Any samples? I'd like to pick the model :naughty:
  15. K

    Totally hot TUNER hotrod street machine (craigslist)

    I can vouch for that thing. Smoked me from a 70 roll...
  16. K

    Group Buy Feeler: New calendar, and Posters + 1950's style pinup girls

    + = Yes. Bring her up to Seattle and shoot as long as you want. Please.
  17. K

    ROTM: NOVEMBER - Enter now before it's too late!!!

    Whats up sweetie? :love:
  18. K


    If its not your car, keep it out of your sig. My 2 cents.
  19. K


    sounds good :love: