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  1. lewis15498

    I am a motherf*cker!!!

    Badass! Props to the old man for laying that guy out. Saw this on tosh.0 the other night. Some asshole decides to fuck with a random woman on the subway and newspaper man intervenes in a firm yet non-violent manner.
  2. lewis15498

    Hockysa's RSP-A70

    Great work, love the blue!
  3. lewis15498

    jza70 digital dash 180+

    As requested...
  4. lewis15498

    jza70 digital dash 180+

    This post is best described as a Fortunately we are in off topic lounge where the risk of a lock is greatly reduced.
  5. lewis15498

    jza70 digital dash 180+

    Warning: The contents of this thread may indirectly cause weight gain. Bacon henge sp?
  6. lewis15498

    So I jumped in the car...

    Sick lex ken! Great photos, glad you had a good time!
  7. lewis15498

    Random YouTube Videos.... (Some very NWS)
  8. lewis15498

    jza70 digital dash 180+

    If someone has a heart attack it's not my fault.
  9. lewis15498

    jza70 digital dash 180+

    More bacon! Did my avatar inspire this?
  10. lewis15498

    jza70 digital dash 180+

    How is this thread not locked yet? More bacon. Even More bacon. Bacon panties. Bacon blanket. Bacon man.
  11. lewis15498

    jza70 digital dash 180+

  12. lewis15498

    tow truck regulations?

    Brilliant! Do it up!
  13. lewis15498

    tow truck regulations?

    Tow truck drivers always try to drive the vehicle onto the ramp, they actually can get a little pissed if they find its not possible...lazy fucks.
  14. lewis15498

    Does anyone have pics of a Flat Black , blacked out supra?

    Heres a couple pics of flat black ferraris
  15. lewis15498


    Welcome and good luck with your build.
  16. lewis15498

    So it doesn't snow in Massachusetts any more

    Apparently not. Just another example of how this world has gone soft.
  17. lewis15498

    KGB banned superbowl commercial: Global warming.

    Don't think this quite qualifys for the political section, but we're not the only ones who think global warming is a joke.
  18. lewis15498

    Who dat!?

    Hey me too! $2 square in the 1st quarter.
  19. lewis15498

    So it doesn't snow in Massachusetts any more

    See attachment below.
  20. lewis15498

    OK, who has tried this line on a trafic cop?

    Well things can be pretty socialistic, I don't think its a socialist or a bad idea to allow law enforcement to deem a car unsafe to drive. That is assuming the power is not abused. Theres some real shitboxes on the road, and allowing them to stay there is downright dangerous. You loose a tie...