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  1. Loki

    Sayings that make you mad.

  2. Loki

    Song you are listening to right now!

    Never Die - Tiger Army.
  3. Loki

    Post your best Pic

    My roomates uncle has a nice Celica like that.
  4. Loki

    Goodness me! I've found a page worth reading!

    That's awesome.
  5. Loki

    Song you are listening to right now!

    The Long Road - Tiger Army.
  6. Loki

    Mr. Leany Shifter's Car -- Pics! Hooray!

    And hopefully my exhuast will be done so you can hear it :love:
  7. Loki

    Song you are listening to right now!

    Incorporeal - Tiger Army.
  8. Loki

    Mr. Leany Shifter's Car -- Pics! Hooray!

    Soudns great, too bad Jeff is a lame driver :/
  9. Loki

    Strongest Hair products you know of

    That's the stuff I was telling you about Kyle, it works great.
  10. Loki

    Mr. Leany Shifter's Car -- Pics! Hooray!

    Wingless fo lyfe. I want to go wingless on my piece of shit. That front bumper is beat, and that exhaust is amazing :love:
  11. Loki

    Kanye west new video

    Sounds pretty good. Kanye West put on a good concert :)
  12. Loki

    SUPMODDER™ Interactive Car Customizer

    If it turns out anything like Dub Modder it'll be sweet, too bad you have to pay to use Dub Modder now :(
  13. Loki

    Song you are listening to right now!

    Good song, GCH is awesome. You Vs. Me - Horrorpops.
  14. Loki

    TRANSFORMERS<spoiler thread contains NERDS>

    The movie was awesome and Beast Wars was awesome back in the day :P
  15. Loki

    **Show off your favorite Tattoo thread**

    I know what I want next, but I have no money and I wouldn't get it done here. I need to go someplace else to get it done :/
  16. Loki

    Song you are listening to right now!

    Why did you do that? I thought you weren't going to...? :/ Calling - Tiger Army.
  17. Loki

    Teaser pics of my new wheels

    :werd: The wheels look great, can't wait to see them with some rubber on them.
  18. Loki

    Song you are listening to right now!

    Cool Flat Top - Horrorpops.