I request to know what your sleeping bag is. I have no clue on sleeping bags. Or tents.
I'm kind of camping phobic. Mike demands I get over it. I'm trying to delay that necessity for as long as possible, but there has been talk for years about deer hunting, and as far as I am aware, camping...
Good protein. And they're not fertilized eggs. So there's no "future chicken" to be had. :P
I got them some crickets earlier and they went nuts:
And I've totally had too much coffee today so I'm all shakey. Derp derp herpa derp.
Yes. Mike and I got a quad of chicks on Saturday.
Two buff orpingtons and two araucanas.
I can't believe how fast these things grow. I also can't believe how much they poop.
However, they're super cute, and Mike set up a chickie cam for me:
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