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  1. 8

    head gasket

    just my dd cleaned the deck forgot about cleaning the bolt holes will do it soon as i get the head back and im reusing the stock head bolts.not boosting the hell out of her thats for sure! i got a ls1 for that!now i need is torqe specs for the head and cams anyone??thanks guys
  2. 8

    head gasket

    look the car is stock the gaskit is from discount plane and simple not worried about compression unless its major just wanna kno if it will work thank guys
  3. 8

    head gasket

    Previous gasket is standard and the new one is 30 over i believe not to sure cause i dont have a mic.
  4. 8

    head gasket

    ok i was replacing the head gasket. so when i put the new one on the block i noticed it wasnt the same.:cry: its a lil bigger bore.i was wondering if it would hurt to still use it :biglaugh:
  5. 8

    car bucks like a horse

    Stock boost.. I will buy plugs tomorrow and i will try to upload a video later on.. Thanks
  6. 8

    car bucks like a horse

    Not idleing jus tryn to accelerate...
  7. 8

    car bucks like a horse

    Like the car is swaying front to back..
  8. 8

    car bucks like a horse

    Nope no shuddering... :/ Just bucking.. It goes then dies and then will go again then die.. and it keeps doing that.. Not a TPS either i already bought one and put it on and it didn't stop it..
  9. 8

    car bucks like a horse

    Plugs looked fine. I don't think it would buck would it?? Wouldn't it have a miss instead of bucking?
  10. 8

    car bucks like a horse

    No check engine light.. One code did come up "Code 51" which is neutral safety switch.
  11. 8

    car bucks like a horse

    ok ill do that is it a small coupling or is it a 90 degree peice?
  12. 8

    car bucks like a horse

    at 1psi, i took off the boost controller samething happens and i have a new tps
  13. 8

    car bucks like a horse

    evrything is replaced except theon right off the turbo but the clamp was tight
  14. 8

    car bucks like a horse

    yeah like a brick wall,then its up and down until i let back on the throttle,no codes
  15. 8

    car bucks like a horse

    :1zhelp:ok well my name is jon and i own a 88 turbo supra it has hks super drager catback,2.5 inch hard pipe,blitz bov,greedy dual boost controller,and everything else is stock including down pipe. my problem is that the car wont stop bucking when i try to accelerate :aigo:any thoughts?