well he asked me to get out of the car and left jeff and matt in there.... he asked whos house we were at and i said matt..... matt who was his response lol.... I was like ummmm ???? i dont know i just met him tonight.... jeff and matt have known him for a while lol
he let me go .... and just...
hey hey rumptis you going to make it this meet in your car??? out of the entire year and a half of attending meets i haven't seen you car there once... just down in westport when nate was getting the new motor.... I will never forget jeff in the back of the truck lol so much fail...
alex.... pull it... just do it... i have the garage to do it in and we can get a picker.. better be safe than sry.. and trust me if it is sittin at my house it will get done.... i hate the fact that coopers car is sitting behind the house not doing anything.... then we can do mine lol
no you still will lolz jk.... but again if you bring travis you will die... not joking
yea so bad news for me... i may not be able to make it.... SEARS is having a mandatory staff meeting on the 8th to talk to us about the upcomming holiday sales.... :icon_evil im not happy at all....
full custom 4in here...lol i dont need it at all but it is epic... lol it doesn't drone ... but i have heard from many people that it produces the sound of 2 supras driving next to eachother ( you know when you are cruising at the same rpms and exhaust notes just bounce off eachother = SUPER...
i have the same problem... lol its just funny how we are both from the central Indy area...
yea i always check my oil and it has always been full.... so idk.... i am just gona pull the motor here soon and check all the bearings... and go from there...
i just had my buddy check it out from work ( he works at gamestop :evil2:) anywho im glad i didnt go buy it.... i played it for about an hour and a half and said screw it and went back to playing forza.... i cant wait for the 3rd to come out.....
i didnt play HP back in the day i was still...
like stated above there is nothing wrong with being a teenager and owning a supra ... you just have to respect it... and understand that it has the power to hurt you if you are careless...
As my 1st car i had a 240sx with an SR swap, got rid of that for a truck for my dad, had a 240sx with a...
i cant wait for this meet.... lol i got a guy from Virginia coming in his new stock 87 turbo... lol his SN is TheNewRed .... =) just from the pics the car is super clean and all stock lol.....
Its nice to see another chick on here with a mk3 lol there are a few it just shows that our supra community is growing. I personally know MissMK2 she has 2 85 p type celica supras lol .... she doesn't post much
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