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  1. Justin727

    Driving unlawfully. How old are you?

    I normally don't drive like a fool and I haven't had a speeding ticket since 05 but this morning it was nice and cool and I was driving the mk4. The whole way to work is Interstate driving 70mph BUT the road was clear and I didn't come a touch under 120mph the whole way to work.. Kissed the...
  2. Justin727

    Gautier Vancleave road - Teal

    It's gone
  3. Justin727

    SupraSport under new ownership

    Likewise! I ordered a few parts for a friend and they should be here by friday (eta). Rather quick ship out!
  4. Justin727

    Possibly Trading IS300 for 1jzVVTi SC300

    True and the IS is a 4 door supra :) But I did fall in love with the IS all over again this past week
  5. Justin727

    Gautier Vancleave road - Teal

    Nope :(
  6. Justin727

    Lexus IS300 thoughts?

    The internals yes as the n/a guys like the 4.30. Boost logic does too both really nice kits. But if you know what you're doing you can piece together a kit at half the cost or do the 2jzgte vvti at about the same.
  7. Justin727

    Possibly Trading IS300 for 1jzVVTi SC300

    Funny you linked it lol because I stumbled across that same thread!! I was talking to a guy in Austin that had a really nicely swapped non vvti and we were going to trade straight up.. But he got a cash offer he couldn't refuse and I don't blame him. Then there's the vvti in Florida. Not nearly...
  8. Justin727

    Possibly Trading IS300 for 1jzVVTi SC300

    Will do sir. Thank you
  9. Justin727

    Lexus IS300 thoughts?

    Just buy an IS to compliment the supra. That's what I did :)
  10. Justin727

    Possibly Trading IS300 for 1jzVVTi SC300

    Correct. This is a swapped car :)
  11. Justin727

    Possibly Trading IS300 for 1jzVVTi SC300

    A jay thank you but there are 3 things that I'm not looking for. The first link you posted doesn't answer my question but tells me something I already know and halfway posted. I'm looking for real world comparisons. Now being it 2011 almost 12 not 2005 when people were just talking about it...
  12. Justin727

    Possibly Trading IS300 for 1jzVVTi SC300

    I was kicking around the Idea of trading my IS300 for a 1j VVTi Sc300 R154 car. I love my IS but I would prefer something 2 door and 5 speed of course. I've also always loved the SC's. I guess what I'm asking is... Does anyone have anything good to say about the VVTi 1j as opposed to...
  13. Justin727

    Lexus IS300 thoughts?

    the VVTI 2j's are just like any other jz engine when it comes to slapping on the turbo. It's what you'll be using to tune it with. Mostly stand alone simply because it's an OBDII car and the stock ecu will fight back and eventually relearn itself with piggy backs installed rendering them...
  14. Justin727

    Finger VS turbo! WARNING: NWS & GORE

    Yes this is pretty frequent. I don't understand why people try to pet the turbo while it's angry... Makes no sense
  15. Justin727

    Finger VS turbo! WARNING: NWS & GORE

    Ouch. At least you only put the tip in! Funny thing is over the years I've seen a good bit of threads with turbo's eating fingers.
  16. Justin727

    2JZGTE AEM V1 tuning/ learning curve

    I'm right there with you. Believe me it will never go there again. Nothing against the tuner although the car is tuned rather aggressively but it's just not my cup of tea.
  17. Justin727

    2JZGTE AEM V1 tuning/ learning curve

    I agree and of course the tune will need adjustment at times which in my case I need to do. But from a tuners standpoint he invest his time and energy in it and of course doesn't want anyone to sell his tune (I know every car is different but we've seen things like this in the past) or share...
  18. Justin727

    2JZGTE AEM V1 tuning/ learning curve

    Alright after talking to a gentleman on the phone from AEM it turns out that the Tuner hacks the AEM box to not allow anyone to connect to it nor adjust the tune besides the tuner (shop). So my options are to either send the unit in to get wiped clean or do it myself and start over.. Which is...
  19. Justin727

    2JZGTE AEM V1 tuning/ learning curve

    Right. It prompts be to do so and I select firmware V. 1.19b then it further prompts me to upload another file from the laptop and I maybe missing that file. I'll get into it more later this week but I may just call AEM and see what the deal is. Its not a big ordeal for me to deal with as...
  20. Justin727

    2JZGTE AEM V1 tuning/ learning curve

    I did select the correct serial port. This is what I keep getting when I try to connect with the key on. Found ECU type 'AEM15GEN' version "VIVEY" Found ECU type 'AEM15GEN' version "VIVEY" Found ECU type 'AEM15GEN' version "VIVEY" Found ECU type 'AEM15GEN' version "VIVEY" Found ECU type...