Here's a pic of us from the other day as we were fixing to leave Bowling Green KY.
Front Row: Left to Right: My wife Sandra, son Andrew, daughter Ashley
Back Row: ME, my birthson Brian and then his sister Kaitlyn
Your safety is always first and foremost in situations like that so don't feel bad about taking care of you/yours first if you should ever be in that situation again.
The guy should've gotten creamed on the interstate. Sounds like a waste of oxygen anyway.
Not a huge fan of Beamers, don't know why though. They are everywhere around the DFW area. I haven't driven one either. After doing so, I'd probably have a different opinion.
I am though, seriously loving that Wabbit! I'd love to have one that style.
The family and I just got back from Bowling Green Kentucky to visit my birthson and his family. While I was there I made it clear I wanted to go to the Corvette Museum. I took my new Canon EOS Rebel XTI. Let me make it clear, that I am still learning this camera and it has way more features...
I would have never thought of that! I had the head machined and four valves reseated. I replaced the egr cooler gasket when I got it back. How in the hell would I check that???? If it's leaking that might explain why I found the puddle in such a peculiar place. It would have to run down the...
Greetings from Bowling Green Kentucky!
I just took a tour at the National Corvette Museum. I'll have some pics up later on in the week when I'm back home. The plant is closed until March so I couldn't see one assembled but DAMN there were some nice cars there.
It almost made me consider...
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