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  1. Dunckel

    Police perception amongst the general public.

    No problem guys.
  2. Dunckel

    Police perception amongst the general public.

    First, thank you sir for your service. I chose this carreer for a few reasons. I watched cops religiously growing up and thought to myself how fun it looked. My uncle is a retired Sgt. with LAPD. He always had good stories to tell about work. He made the job sound fun, and interesting...
  3. Dunckel

    Police perception amongst the general public.

    I figured a Q&A thread on why police do the things they do, and why they do them that way, might be helpful. A quick rundown on me: I've been in law enforcement for a few years now. I've worked in facilities ranging from minimum, to maximum security. I've worked at the city level...
  4. Dunckel

    what do you do when you feel like the biggest idiot?

    Accept that you made a mistake, learn from it, and move on. And apologize if necessary.
  5. Dunckel

    Happy birthday, SupraCentral!

    Happy belated b-day!
  6. Dunckel

    Cooling system help?

    This is all from memory, and it's simply a suggestion and a comment. Have you taken a look at the two coolant hoses behind the head close to the firewall? Mine had a small leak once, and it took me forever to find cause it was dripping onto the exhaust and burning off. As for the waterfall...
  7. Dunckel

    SupraMania: What Do Yo Do? Who Are You In Life?

    I'm 29 and work in Law Enforcement. I've worked at the City level, the State level, and am currently Federal. Best job ever was Moderator for Supramania.
  8. Dunckel

    The new who's in Chat right now thread?

    I'm back. And I'm in.
  9. Dunckel

    Happy Birthday to me!

    If I didn't have to work tonight, I would be drunk right now.
  10. Dunckel

    Happy Birthday to me!
  11. Dunckel

    The new who's in Chat right now thread?

    It's a bit late, but I thought I would try anyway.
  12. Dunckel

    Had a run in with a LEO tonight

    You did fine. If you have tinted windows, roll them down before he/she gets to the car. And always be honest. Attitude goes a long way. I've let people go that had marijuana, cocaine (a very small amt.) and even warrants. It's all about attitude. There are other factors as well, but mostly...
  13. Dunckel

    So I was thinking...

    After three years, I still haven't tazed anyone. I've been justified many times though. Been in some fights, and took a trip to the hospital on one of them. But still never felt I needed to use it. One of the things I pride myselft on, is the ability to talk someone down. I've been tazed, I...
  14. Dunckel

    Random YouTube Videos - Round 2
  15. Dunckel

    Random YouTube Videos - Round 2
  16. Dunckel

    So I was thinking...

    I thought I would drop in and say hello. I haven't been around much the last couple months. I've been working my ass off with two jobs. I miss this place. So have I missed anything?
  17. Dunckel

    Guess what....I found an indoor shooting range we can go to. 6530 Martin Way E. Lacey, Wa. See...

    Guess what....I found an indoor shooting range we can go to. 6530 Martin Way E. Lacey, Wa. See you in a couple weeks!
  18. Dunckel

    The (old) Official Gun Thread.

    I work for two different Law Enforcement Agencies and each have issued me different ammo. One issued me Speer Gold Dot in 180GR, and the other issued me Winchester Ranger SXT in 165GR. In range testing, both performed the same. Thankfully, I've never had to test either of them out on a...
  19. Dunckel

    I officially do not hate my iPhone anymore