Id try to go with forged pistons. Unfortunately I was young and dumb when I built my engine, and got mostly decent parts except pistons -__- I have NPRs as well, and let me tell you, Im just waiting for the day, when one of those things come apart in my block. =/
I've been with my girlfriend now for almost 6 years. Its been a roller coaster and Ive enjoyed every minute of it. Over the years we've notice she has become achy and her heart murmur has worsened. Shes gone to doctors and specialist for it but they could never pin point what it was.
Damn, haha. I want them but that's a bit pricey for me right now. If he has them next month (pending pictures of them please haha) I'll get them. If he will hold them for me.
You'll be getting some pictures today no worries!!! And does he have the center section of the tails where it says aristo??? If so I may grab them depending on price.
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