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  1. X

    7mge needs rebuilt. read for info.

    Alright yeah ill get on that soon.
  2. X

    7mge needs rebuilt. read for info.

    I guess it does not matter but anyways i made a video of what it sounds like. tell me what you think. Worth the rebuild or not? also it wont run long without me holding it at a steady rpm. it runs smooth for like 10 seconds then starts surging until it dies. Another...
  3. X

    7mge needs rebuilt. read for info.

    Alright well since im going to be rebuilding anyways would it not be better to start with an engine that has no knock or anything of that sort? plus one that has less than 243 thousand miles on it. Im pretty sure its safe to say this engine has had enough in its lifetime. but you never know i...
  4. X

    7mge needs rebuilt. read for info.

    Yeah I have. 1k is the most I'm spending on an engine for this thing. It shouldn't even be that expensive from what I've seen.i have enough money for fluids and other hoses and various parts I may need.
  5. X

    7mge needs rebuilt. read for info.

    Actually to hell with that idea. Id rather just risk it and buy a engine from tiger japanese and put a metal headgasket on there and arp studs. Has anyone ever had good luck from buying from them? i hear they are pretty good. I have about 1000 total to spend on an engine for this car.
  6. X

    7mge needs rebuilt. read for info.

    Like the title states i need a place to take my 7mge to, to get rebuilt. It knocks and probably has a blown head gasket (low coolant light on when coolant is full). I live near Chattanooga tn and there are no good shops near me at all. This engine is probably hopeless to rebuild as it has 243k...