Search results

  1. B

    Oil Catch Can install

    Wow so many people with so many different opinions on the right way to set this up, so from what i can gather seems like the most popular way to go is - route the 2 valve cover hoses to the catch can then - run a hose from catch can back to the accordian hose and T into that hose the...
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    Oil Catch Can install

    after reading that tread i still have a question - what would be wrong with runing the 2 valve cover hose to a catch can and having a filter straight to atmosphere (apart from the environmental emissions) then running the trottle body line back to the accorian hose (or just capping it off)
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    Oil Catch Can install

    Cheers buddy, exactly what i was after
  4. B

    Oil Catch Can install

    hey guys, does anyone have (or can point me in the right direction of) any pics of there oil catch tank installed? im going to get one but wanted to see how its installed..... specificly after a pic of an install on a 7mgte with a stock manifold and stock accoridain hose, i was just going...
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    550cc injectors?

    Thanks for that J Dub, i just checking with the experts before i get lead along by the snakes
  6. B

    550cc injectors?

    hey if your interested i can get some more details for you, but be aware im in new zealand so shipping for these would be very pricey to get up to you :aigo:, you should be able to sourrce something closer to you? PM me if you want some more details cheers
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    550cc injectors?

    hi all just a quick question, do i need top or side feed injectors when doing the lexus AFM upgrade? i thought it was top feed but a friend of mine is sure that i can use side feeds ( he just happens to be selling some side feed injectors at the moment, how convienent! :naughty:) cheers
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    Temp warning sensor light comes on?!?

    Hey everyone problem solved, i just changed the whole bottle, went to the wreakers and got one for $5 put it in there and no more annoying warning light! cheers for the help!
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    Temp warning sensor light comes on?!?

    i keep a very close eye on my fluid levels since the BHG and its defenatly no low, will try swaping tanks first as thats an easy fix, cheers!
  10. B

    Temp warning sensor light comes on?!?

    hey all i have noticed that when i drive my supra sometimes the warning light for the temrature flashes on and off very quickly the goes away for about 10 mins the flashes back on and off..... any thoughts? it dosnt do it with any sort of pattern..... sometimes when ideling sometimes when...
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    Oil in Spark plug Area

    ok thanks JDub, absolutly no smoke on start up at all so looks like the gaskets - which is a good easy fix. :icon_bigg with the decelaration the smoke is blue-ish defenatly not a rich black grey, also smells like oil burning, its a bit intermitent as well, sometimes it will sometimes it wont...
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    Oil in Spark plug Area

    hey guys and girls, :1zhelp: i was doing a service on my 7mgte yeaterday and went to change the plugs and noticed there was alot of oil in the spark plug gallery. it wasnt there 10000km ago. the oil is present when i remove all 6 leads and look in (not just isolated to on area) as...
  13. B

    Front Strut brace install

    hello all im about to insatll a front strut brace onto my MA70 supra just wondering what do i torque the bolts back down to once it has been installed? any help much appriecated :icon_bigg
  14. B

    Godspeed intercooler kits?

    i did try the search and read through quite a few but they all were a bit to vauge for me, also i need to know what is required to fit these, when i searched i notcied somone speak about the front impact bar being removed? does any know if this is a must do? cheers
  15. B

    Godspeed intercooler kits?

    hey, i was surfing ebay the other day and came acroos a intercooler kit fro the 7mgte, company was godspeed, i have never heard of them before just wondering what they were like if anyone has got one on there supra. its got a very strange design - hard to describe but it is like a...
  16. B

    Boost Gauge installation

    hi does anyone have a step by step DIY guide for insatlling a boost gauge for an ma70 with a 7mgte, :1zhelp: im looking at doing it myself but not 100% where to tap into to get the most accurate reading. its not an illuminated one so no need to fuss around with the wires. any pics of...
  17. B

    Hello all

    hi everyone im new here at supra maina just wanted to hello.... my names brendan and im from new zealand, i own a 1990 mk3 with a 7mgteu in it, mild mods at the moment, but probably like 99% of people on here i have big plans for it. :icon_evil anyways talk to yous soon. p.s...