Recent content by Sinful7m

  1. Sinful7m

    supranasty's 12.5 run at englishtown 7/11/10

    yup hopefully we have a good turnout...nice run by the way
  2. Sinful7m

    Ct Ma area with parts car?

    i have one...but im locaated in jersey
  3. Sinful7m

    looking for a complete 1jz with harness no trans

    whats going on im looking for a complete 1j with a complete harness,no cut hacked up harnesses please,no trans needed just the complete motor and harness cash in hand
  4. Sinful7m

    Englishtown 2010 May 8

    any info on a jersey caravan?
  5. Sinful7m

    ticking noise and low idle fluctuation...

    thanks havent checked to see if they were in spec ill check tonight if it isnt too cold its a subtle ticking near the radiator just picked this car up about a month ago to use as a daily due to me not wanting to drive my other supra everyday its a basicly stock 89 turbo with an mbc and a full 3...
  6. Sinful7m

    ticking noise and low idle fluctuation...

    not sure what it could be but there is a ticking noise coming from around the radiator not necessarily loud but im a stickler when it comes to these things and i cant put my finger on it,also an idle fluctuation to about 600 rpms that doesnt raise or drop already checked for vaccum leaks...any...
  7. Sinful7m

    coolant in the oil

    thats definitely bhg...
  8. Sinful7m

    ny first kill with my 89

    +1 very true just because you drive a supra not everyone will hit the bushes scared...and just because you mention slips doesnt mean they will stay shut you might end up walking home
  9. Sinful7m

    ny first kill with my 89

    ive run plenty of srt4s each modified in many different ways some quite heavily modified i might add,and i havent lost to one yet...
  10. Sinful7m

    Englishtown 2010 May 8

    ill be there
  11. Sinful7m

    ***The White Supras Thread***

    my 90 turbo white package kinda old ill get some new ones up soon
  12. Sinful7m

    multiple attempts to start...

    lol its a 7m and i think it maybe fuel related because i have to pump the gas a few times to get it started i can also hear the fuel pump engaging ill check a few other things tomorrow but you are right the temperature shouldnt have an effect on the way any motor performs which is why im annoyed
  13. Sinful7m

    multiple attempts to start...

    Doesn't throw any codes unless I hit the limiter and if my ecu were bad wouldn't the car crank but not start at all? The car starts after numerous tries could this be the beginning of it starting to fail?
  14. Sinful7m

    multiple attempts to start...

    Yes it is very cold here in new jersey some nights and mornings are in the single digits