Recent content by burge31

  1. burge31

    Compression on 5 and 6 way high

    the car has been sitting for a little while so today i went to the store and got some top end cleaner, after i run that through and redo a compression test what conclusions can be drawn if the 5 and 6 cylinders compression comes down?
  2. burge31

    Compression on 5 and 6 way high

    the other cylinders were 130 which is up to specs, im just trying to figure out what could cause the 50 psi difference
  3. burge31

    Compression on 5 and 6 way high

    Did a compression test on all the cylinders, 1-4 were up to specs but 5 and 6 were reading 180....any suggestions on what this could be?