September 19 Mineral Wells Super Gymkhana / Drift Day!


New Member
Apr 23, 2009
Texas, DFW area
Saturday, 9/19/09, Mineral Wells Airport, Mineral Wells, TX.

We are doing it again folks! This time will be a little different and hopefully even better than last time.

As always, any car may enter, provided it passes a simple tech inspection to ensure the safety of the drivers and passengers.

This day will be both for Gymkhana runs as well as drifting.

Gymkhana starts at 9am and will last all morning until about lunch time.

After lunch, around 1pm we will switch to a drift course and drift all day until just before dark.

- $50 to drive all day, this covers both the gymkhana and drifting sessions.

- $10 for a Ride-Along band. This wrist band will entitle you to ride-alongs with other drivers (per their consent). No passengers are allowed on course without one of these.

- Spectators are always free!!!

- HELMETS AND SEATBELTS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL DRIVERS AND PASSENGERS! If you don't have a helmet, you may be able to borrow one, but you absolutely cannot drive or ride along without one. No specific type of helmet is required. Any helmet you feel safe in is ok with us, but don't cry to us if it doesn't protect you well enough in the event of an accident. Darwinism is in full effect. :p

Hope to see you at the event! :)