Younger crowd, or just me...


Sep 15, 2006
Versailles (Lex) Ky
Well I had another run-ins with a guy at, but to keep it short, why is it that the younger crowd is looked down upon here at the forums. Unless you have flow charts from the 80's it's nearly impossible to gain the respect from others.

In my opinion we should be encouraged. Get this, I was having starter problems and decided to test my starter. I read online ( That a couple guys were too lazy to remove the upper intake manifold to get that top bolt, and some took days to get it off.

By myself, and basic sockets, I managed to remove it all in about 6 hours. It would have took less time had I have known what exactly to remove and where, but now I do.

So my point, why does the older crowd look DOWN upon the younger crowd? It's almost like a "I'm too good for you" bullshit. Sorry for the rant, I usually ignore it, but it's beginning to take over the way I think about myself

Thanks guys,

Jeff Lange

Staff member
Mar 29, 2005
Sunnyvale, CA
I don't know. I was 17 when I signed up on Supraforums, I never really felt as if anyone looked down upon myself, and I rarely (if ever) have that happen here. I am now 21.


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
I'm 20, and I don't feel any hate towards me from members here OR on SF.

This doesn't necessarily apply to you, but might be a reason towards negativity towards newer or "younger" members.
I have noticed that a few newer members don't search much here, they will just ask the same questions that have been brought up over and over again (i.e. 7m vs 1jz vs 2jz vs 1uz vs 1g vs SBC). I have also noticed that the "older" members here prefer it if you write clearly with decent punctuation and grammar. It also doesn't look good when people participate in threads on other forums targeting flaws of other forums, or when you post videos of "donuts" in your parents lawn.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
I don't think the older crowd looks down on the younger one, per se. There are some actions that are more commonly taken by younger members that are more likely to get them slammed.

They are, in general, a complete lack of respect for other people's time, an air of "you owe it to me to help me", a failure to grasp the basics of the written English language, etc.

I can tell you that the air of entitlement that comes off some younger folks is almost intolerable at times.

Read this:

If you make it through to the end, you'll have displayed an attention span that should be the envy of your peers.

And if you understood everything you've read, you will be able to answer your own question.


Sep 15, 2006
Versailles (Lex) Ky
foreverpsycotic said:
I'm 20, and I don't feel any hate towards me from members here OR on SF.

This doesn't necessarily apply to you, but might be a reason towards negativity towards newer or "younger" members.
I have noticed that a few newer members don't search much here, they will just ask the same questions that have been brought up over and over again (i.e. 7m vs 1jz vs 2jz vs 1uz vs 1g vs SBC). I have also noticed that the "older" members here prefer it if you write clearly with decent punctuation and grammar. It also doesn't look good when people participate in threads on other forums targeting flaws of other forums, or when you post videos of "donuts" in your parents lawn.

I understand this, and it's not a given respect, but an earned respect (Not a F&F thing). As far as the parents lawn, that was about 2 years ago and my effort to redeem myself fail. Unforgivable?

I want everyone to know whether or not it shows, that I am trying my hardest to prove myself in this community.

Thanks guys,


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
Supracentral said:
I don't think the older crowd looks down on the younger one, per se. There are some actions that are more commonly taken by younger members that are more likely to get them slammed.

They are, in general, a complete lack of respect for other people's time, an air of "you owe it to me to help me", a failure to grasp the basics of the written English language, etc.

I can tell you that the air of entitlement that comes off some younger folks is almost intolerable at times.

Read this:

If you make it through to the end, you'll have displayed an attention span that should be the envy of your peers.

And if you understood everything you've read, you will be able to answer your own question.

Wheres your flow chart from the 80s??


Sep 15, 2006
Versailles (Lex) Ky
Haha, I think we, as a Supra family, will have a great time if we just keep this up. I appreciate the cooperation from everyone. To be honest, I don't know where I would be (As far as Supras go) without this place.

Thanks everyone!


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
i'm bad, i'm nationwide
its not an age thing over at cs

but the people who hammered the most seem to be the ones who refuse to search, want to know how to build 500 hp for 200 bucks, and well, seem to have the idea that our lives are all fand f fantasies.

the people who are like this just all happen to seem younger ..and seem to show a proper lack of respect for the guys that have been working on supes for many, many years.

i enjoy the looser and more youthful attitudes over here, this is why i spend more time over here than there, even though i own mk2's. i think some of you feel the way you do about cs is pecause they really arent as playful over there as here, and are mistaking that as bias against younger guys.
Last edited:


Another Old Guy
Aug 22, 2006
PacNW - Area 51
Matt, your just pissed they changed the size of your sig. Get over it, it was 3/4 page on my widescreen laptop, and I can read 2-3 normal posts from anyone else.

Trucker, I agree, the "playfull" part of CS leaves a bit to be desired. Was different awhile back. Seems like the only crazy talk, comes from us flakes in the PNW.


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
st2b said:
I understand this, and it's not a given respect, but an earned respect (Not a F&F thing). As far as the parents lawn, that was about 2 years ago and my effort to redeem myself fail. Unforgivable?

I want everyone to know whether or not it shows, that I am trying my hardest to prove myself in this community.

Thanks guys,

You were that guy that was playing dorifuto takumi on his parent's lawn?



Supramania Contributor
Aug 15, 2005
Naples, FL
Junkie said:
Matt, your just pissed they changed the size of your sig. Get over it, it was 3/4 page on my widescreen laptop, and I can read 2-3 normal posts from anyone else.

Seconded. Quit being such a baby about things. I remember having my avatar changed by someone because apparently it was "too hot" for the forum or whatever. I was a bit pissed but I got over it and moved on.

I wonder how different doing a starter on a mk3 is than doing it on a mk2. I have never had to remove the intake on a mk2 to get to that top starter bolt. Give me about 20 minutes of swearing and tearing my arm up, and I'll get it out.


The Magnificent Seven
Oct 16, 2005
i was 16 when i got involved in SM. dont think i made a difference? ask everyone here, theyll tell you that im a f'ing genius!

it took me a full week to get to my starter, you bastard :) but i started at the afm and removed the entire intake, valve covers and all lines going every which way to clean it all.