Yay or Nay?


Oct 13, 2013
New Jersey
So I finally finished removing the head off my 7MGTE and here's how it looks. This is my first time taking apart an engine so my question is:

Is the black soot on top of the pistons normal? Or should I be worried? This black soot is also on the bottom of the head where the valves sit.

In your honest opinion, would you continue with replacing the head gasket or go another route?

I honestly don't think I would be able to remove the whole block for further inspection. I have no engine stand or hoist and am already low on funds. I don't even know how to free the block lol.

Here are some pictures of the block. The black soot came off very easily with some WD40 on a rag. I only rubbed some off for a couple of seconds, I'm sure with more time I could get most of it off.


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Oct 13, 2013
New Jersey
How would I be able to check if the rings are good? Wouldn't that involve removing the block?

And the head is already at the machine shop!


New Member
Mar 6, 2007
To check the rings I've heard or people turning the motor until done are at tdc then pouring enough tranny fluid on top to cover the piston and let it sit and see of it seeps pass the rings.

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New Member
Jul 28, 2010
The best ring test Is a leak down test. Mute point now with head off. However you can have ok leak down readings and a engine still using oil. Stuck oil control rings are not sealing rings like the top two rings are. A car can run great and use a lot of oil. Most of the burning is caused by stuck oil control rings. You could poor some stuff in cylinder but what is the standard for this test. You could risk it and maybe be ok or you can pull out engine and replace bearings and rings or find that you need a full rebuild.

It is important to look at crosshatching of the cylinders. It is not abnormal to have some wear , loss of crosshatching, on the thrust side of cylinder. The ball is in your court. Good luck.


Oct 13, 2013
New Jersey
Looks like I'm going to go ahead and remove the block as well. The rings seem alright since the WD-40 was in the cylinders for 2 days straight. The things I want to get to are the oil pump and bearings. I've read a lot about rod knock on these engines. I wouldn't want to go ahead and rebuild the top to later find out the block is having problems.

So far the advice I have received is to replace the oil pump, shim it, and replace the bearings. Any other suggestions?

And could someone point me in the direction of removing the block? Looking at with the head off, makes it look simple but some any sort of DIY with pictures would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again to everybody for the help.