Yakaz.com = My vote for the best new idea for a website EVER.....


Enjoyin' mah ride...
Aug 24, 2009
Richmond, Virginia, United States

Okay. Here is what I think is the best damn idea for a website since auction sites first appeared. It is a search engine FOR auction engines that allow you to look for particular items anywhere in the country. Now, I know what you're gonna say. "Big deal, all you have to do is enter what you want in flea-bay and it'll do the same thing."

But craigslist won't do that. You have to search repeatedly for the same item in different regions. AND, this COMBINES auction sites like ebay, craigslist, etc..., together so that you have one resource to look at.

Even better? It uses GOOGLE MAPS to draw the continental U.S. out for you with the auctions spaced around the country so you can get a feel for how far something truly is from you, how many of a particular item is in that region, etc. Sweet.