Won't start...removed push button start and has clifford alarm


Apr 10, 2005
Salem, Oregon
Ok, I know, you are going to tell me to remove the alarm...but I am not sure that's the problem.

Heres the story...bought a car with rod knock. It had a push button start that worked. To remove the push button, I took the wire off the starter and the one off the positive battery terminal, removed both those wires and the push button that was by the dead pedal. I have replaced the engine and now it wont start. I turn the key and nothing. I am not sure if it is the alarm that is on the car, but it did start with everything in place just as it is now, except for the two wires and the push button. To start it before, you put the key in, turn it to on and push the button....turning it to start did nothing, just as it does now.

The alarm is I believe a Clifford Avital Cyclone Mark II. I think it's from 1994 and I cannot find any specs on it. On the alarm box, it says Avital, but the remote says Clifford. It's a two button (I and II) remote. It does chirp, lock and unlock. It has a light that flashes when locked. I did find a switch under the steering wheel that is connected to the system. I thought there might be a button too but have not seen one yet. I'm tired of being upside down under the steering wheel....6'3, 280 and it's not a fun place to be.

I would love to leave the alarm in as I think I also may have a remote start feature, but not sure. It does have a glass break sensor attached too. I am afraid of taking out the alarm and still not having the car start.

I have looked all under by the ignition switch, even replaced the switch down to the 8 bladed connector. Did not see any spliced or cut wires as I had expected to.

I would love some help, or even a manual on how to work this alarm would be great. Thanks.


Apr 10, 2005
Salem, Oregon
Yep...brand new battery...the dash lights dim when I turn gbd key but starter does nothing...engine harness is pristeen and no weird wires on starter...BTW car is an auto...tried park and neutral to start


Apr 27, 2010
Factory alarm provides the coil ground on the starter relay. If for whatever reason the factory alarm is armed then the original starting circuit has been disabled. I'd suspect that the Clifford alarm was installed without consideration for the factory alarm and thus never used it in parallel with the Clifford. If your electrical savvy then all you need is to add a couple of diodes at the ends of the Clifford wiring.


Apr 10, 2005
Salem, Oregon
There are a couple of wires mated from the Clifford to the factory alarm box...the install looks pretty good....so if it started before I removed the push button and now it wont does that mean it was fubar before and the push button was a bandaid?
Oct 11, 2005
Thousand Oaks, CA
It seems like the pushbutton was a workaround, since it bypassed the entire factory starter circuit. Put a voltmeter across the starter relay pins 2 and 4 and check if there is 12Vacross it when you try to crank. If so, you've found your problem.


Apr 10, 2005
Salem, Oregon
3p141592654 thanks a bunch...you put me onto the starter relay...I pulled one from another car, put it in and it fired right up....Many thanks to the master!!!!!

I'll look you up next time i'm in LA visiting family and buy you a few beers!!!!!