When I worked at carquest, we had one lady do that to the delivery trucks. Infact, i was in the delivery truck. I had just gotten in it, hadn't even started the motor, she pulled out of the front parking, did a three point turn, right into me. she shook her head, backed up, and did it again. by this time i honked the horn, got out of the truck, she went for it again, and scraped the shit out of the side of her car as she rubbed up against the front bumper of my truck. I got her plates, called it in, and the officer who nagged her stopped by the store and said
"I can't stand old women drivers. Fuckin politians are too PC, old people should have eye exams every other g'damned week. She couldn't see worth a crap, her license was expired, and we impounded her car." We were all very happy.
Oh- they weren't going to go looking for her after my call, just thanked me for the tip, but she went to one of the shops we deliver to, and fucked up some of their customer's cars. They called the popo and then she got grabbed. Fuckin old people.
Oh yea #2, my grandfather turned into the path of 5 motorcylcists and 2 were in the hospital for 5 months, all because "they were too small and I [my grandfather] couldn't see them I was too focused on making the turn".